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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    U-10 Hit Fix 3/20/2013

    Another example of absolutely no thought or consideration for the game as it was originally designed to be played.
    This is what happens when you lose your original dev teams and replace them with devs' from other games. Now I am all for people working, do not misunderstand me.
    But McDonald's did no re-create the Big Mac because the original chef is no longer with the company.
    This game was always suppose to be for kinships and group play.
    You started out alone, and then found "fellowships".
    In the end you could not compete or complete end-game content without a fellowship.
    Some formed "kinships" to meet this end.
    Even overall crafting was this way, and still is today, though again this to has been "re-designed".
    The advent of the "solo play to the end game" concept has IMO compromised the entire game playing experience.
    Add to this the continual "tweaking" of character classes, while serious game-mechanic issues were present; Never really made the world better.
    It just upset the inhabitants.
    "Hey your house is on fire"!
    "No worries, we can fix the faucets".
    Bottom line. IMO. Non of these aggravations needed to happen.
    High end gear should never have been allowed to fall in instances or raids that were not pre-tested for "difficulty" and the need for "fellowships".
    Preferably buy long time players of this game, who were well versed in the "fellowship" aspects of the original design.
    For is that not why they are "stopping" them from falling now?
    "It's to easy"?
    That should have been decided well before introduction to the world.
    Now. It all just smacks of poor planning and sloppiness.
    Last edited by BeyVargasJR; Mar 20 2013 at 02:57 PM.



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