Update 11:Treachery of the White Hand Known Issues
Updated May 20th, 2013
Update 11:Treachery of the White Hand Known Issues
QT Launcher
The Play button in the launcher will sometimes not work, preventing you from accessing the game. Changing your language setting and then changing it back will allow you to log in properly.
Mounted Combat
Infinite Cowbell! Using a cowbell while in mounted combat will cause the audio to infinitely loop until logout. You did want more cowbell, right?
Mithril Coins
'Get More Mithril Coins' button not translated in French/German clients.
Major Ballad - Healing does not crit when in Melody stance.
Monster Play
High ranking food does not scale appropriately.
The quest Scylfig: Celebration Feast is not currently available to players.
The Volume III, Book 10: Foreword is currently unavailable to players. This quest is not required to start or complete the Book 10 Epic story.