Ut oh, you realize you're now going to be referred to as "fanboi" and an apologist right?
He won't be. He's well respected around here. Most of us here know him quite well from the forums and I can easily say the following about him:
1. He speaks his mind and he is honest in every post. post. I respect that.
2. He is willing to give straight answers in response to peoples questions
3. He's a veteran player with lots of knowledge
4. He doesn't spend his time on the forums defending one side or the other unless the demand are ludicrous
There's many others but honestly I think he's one of the better posters on this forum.
I wish that I could easily control my emotions like he has always done on this forum.
So no no one is going to be name calling him. In fact I bet you see more posts like this one. ($5 or Lunch?)