Trying to collect Captain issues in this thread. I've bugged all the issues.
Armor Set Bonuses:
ToO Dagor 2-set bonus is bugged, it triggers every time you hit with SL (though I guess 100% chance is still a chance :P )
Greater Erebor Leader 4-set bonus reduces Last Stand cooldown by a lot more than 25%
Inspiriting Presence Trait Set Bonus:
Inspire and Valiant Strike does not seem to grant Inspiriting Presence on critical heals, they grant the buff when the damage hit is a critical strike.
Using Inspire or Valiant Strike after using Valiant Strike or Inspire always consumes the buff, makes the skill do a critical damage hit and grant the Inspiriting Presence buff again.
Gallant Display and Standard of X always consumes the Inspiriting Presence buff, but only the damage is a 100% crit.
Auto Attacks Devastating Blow, Pressing Attack, Sure Strike, Cleanse Corruption and Blade of Elendil sometimes consumes the Inspiriting Presence buff. In case the buff is consumed, the hit is a critical hit (or perhaps the opposite, when the hit is a crit the buff is consumed?)
Grave Wound sometimes consumes the Inspiriting Presence buff, but it does not seem to grant a critical strike.
Ground Targetable Standards always consume the buff and seems to always grant 1 critical hit
Muster Courage consumes the Inspiriting Presence buff: "Meramir applied a critical benefit with Muster Courage on Meramir." - Now what is a critical benefit?
This trait set bonus sure is confusing :P
LtC: Vital Stroke Trait:
Either the tooltip is outdated or the -5s Grave Wound cooldown is bugged, the trait does not change Grave Wound cooldown.
LoM: Demand Attention Trait:
This trait is confusing to lower level Captains because you can get the trait before you get the skill related to the trait (Grave Wound). What about having the trait tooltip describe that Grave Wound is available at lvl 42 (and perhaps do the same with other traits?) or make Grave Wound available earlier than lvl 42?
Gallant Display buff:
If you have the Gallant Display buff up (rank 1 to 3) it sometimes do not renew when you use Gallant Display. Instead, a secondary Gallant Display buff is created, so you can end up with a Tier 3 and a Tier 1 buff at the same time. The test was done on Dummies and the Turtle in Filikul, happens both places.
Tactics not stacking:
Tactics are still not stacking. I think it's fine that the same tactic do not stack (e.g. 2x Relentless) but I really think different tactics should stack (e.g. Relentless + On Guard) so both Captains in the group can make use of their buffs.
SotD + Audacity:
Being able to get more than -100% incoming damage on a regular basis in Ettenmoors is making LoM Captains very hard to kill. I suggest looking at how Audacity and SotD complement eachother or make a Moors-only nerf to SotD so you cannot reach -100% incoming damage.
Last edited by Elrantiri; Jan 20 2014 at 05:13 AM.