Dear Readers,
My name is Soerii. I'm an officer of the Raiders of Gondor Kinship and I'd like to invite You to our player event called The Raiders Take Bree!
I tell you the details:

We would like to ask the participants to gather outside the Prancing Pony inn at 19:45 GMT.

Hide & seek
At 20:00 GMT we will start a Hide and seek game (3+1 rounds). Players will have to go inside the Prancing Pony and wait inside until I'm hidden. After that the first who finds me and gives me a slap (/slap) will get a reward. The rewards are 50 x Reputation Items (700 rep ones). The +1 round's reward is an Emerald Shard! The participants cannot use horses (we want equality for the lower lvls)! Our officers will be there and watch for the cheaters. If they catch you, you won't get the rewards.

The Race
After it's finished we will start some running race. The first five players will get 1-1 slayer and skill deed boost (90 min). The 6-10th will get 100 x Barrow Treasures (Bree Reputation items).
I'll tell You the exact details when we are there :P Oh and No horses!

Question & answer
When we're done, a question-answer game will begin. We're gonna ask 10 questions about LOTRO, and about the world of Lord of the Rings. The one player with the most correct answers will get a sturdy steel key! (In case of tie the player who answered faster will get the reward).

The Tale of Withywindle
In the end we will try to make a story telling circle. I'll start the tale with "Once upon a time..". From then the fate of the tale is on You! The first player who stands left to me will have to continue the tale with one sentence. Then the left player from player1 will have the right to continue, etc... We will do 3 turns, in each turn a player can tell only one sentence at the correct time. I will save Your tale and share it with You later and it will be called the Tale of Withywindle

Dueling World Record
Time to kick each other's @sses! We'll go outside Bree where you'll choose your sparring partner. After You have it, I'll count to 3. When I say start, We will start the chaotic sparring!

During the event we will give You pipeweeds, ales, wines and we will do some firework shows too

Come if You have time and share your screenshots after it!