A big BIG thank you definitely to the 3 I was grouped with last night, who were great sports and didn't give up even though the odds were stacked majorly against us and we spent a lot of time running back from the rez for I'd say a good 2 hours :P but also thank you heaps to all you fantastic creeps out there, it was amazing fun, although shame on me, I know, for running blue.. but else I'd not even have lived 2 seconds! *hangs head in shame but insists it's needed*

Then we finally ended with some support and got our own back (yay! *smirks*) but when that was over, it was cuddle up time at the campfire with a wonderful WL and a sweet spider for a bit, before some additional madness ensued once more, which was also huuuuge fun, ty to those 2 wargs and that spidey too!! ^_^

It's nights like this that make it really worth it being in the Windy moors, great company out there for sure, even though I was grumbling after Graw and I had our dance session behind TR ruined by the craid coming round and bubbling her and massacring me *sulks* What we girls gotta do to get some private time to exchange about make-up and stuffs while trying to kill each other, hm?! :P :P

I am glad to be back - Windy still rocks and I don't care what anyone else says <3