Quote Originally Posted by Mirnir View Post
I see the stuttering too, both when keyboard turning and when mouse turning, and both running and walking. It really is quite annoying.

It seems unaffected by resolution, DX version set, graphics level, or even (as best I can tell) individual graphics settings within the game.

As far as I can tell, no information relating to character rendering is sent to or from the server. I don't think it is an Internet or server issue. This seems to me to be an animation timing issue within the Lotro client or with how it interacts with the system it is running on. It looks like the animation is resetting to a start point of the animation on direction change, rather than continuing seamlessly.
Since not everybody experiences it, I wonder if there are particular OS/Graphics card setups that are affected.

Mine runs on:
Gfx card: nVidia GeForce GTX 660 Ti
Driver version: 340.52

OS: Windows 7 64bit
Mem: 8GB

The OS and game are installed on an SSD.
Yea, that could be it. Anyway, I mentioned network glitches because I've noticed that LoTRO is not a forgiving program when you have a low *quality* connection, whether you have a wired or wireless connection to your modem/router. LoTRO is fairly forgiving for slow connections so long as they're high quality. I went from a low quality one (slower, too) to a higher quality one. Mostly I have no issues with my current ISP (though I've seen them lose backbone access several times this past year).

I'm on a low cost, lower quality card. GeForce GT 430 1GB VRAM dedicated, 3GB 'shared'. I run in DX 9, though the card can do DX11, the difference on this card in my system isn't worth it.
My driver version should be 340.52.

OS: Windows 8.1 64 bit, with a 32 bit backup partition available when needed.
Memory 8 GB RAM, two sticks.

Drives: spinning disks 7200 rpm.

Newer card on the way (still cheap, though, budget is limited). SSD in the wish list when they're below $100 for a 256 GB or below $75 for 125 GB. I might go for a $50 or below one that is 100 GB.