Thanks for the memories Riddermark
After 4 months 2 weeks 1 day 18 hours 15 minutes 59 seconds, 51778 kills and 3320 deaths it is finally time to say good-bye... or at least take a very long break.
Thank you Gorelal for being the final kill, despite wardens and defilers being completely broken classes I have always enjoyed our 1v1s... bleeds vs hots to the end!!! Also thanks to (in no particular order) Aspidas, Briandor, Gurdstan, Shaigat, Kaern, Jarroder, Vuso, Qlimax, Belethathien, Phyllis, Bozak, Bralleg and Drako for the awesome 1v1 and group fights over the years. I know I've missed many names and no offense to those not called out; it is just hard to remember 50+ thousand or so names
Thanks to Grimbash and his legion of creep tribe mates... you guys helped lessen the boredom of PvE once Ridder became a ghost town.
Lastly, thanks to my Intolerance tribe mates... we've been together a long time. Hopefully we can find a game that both has the potential LOTRO once had and the community to support it. You guys and gals are awesome!
Thanks for the memories all, peace.
Last edited by gubbee; Jan 01 2015 at 09:10 PM.
Reason: adding names I originally forgot