Originally Posted by
It would seem silly that the problem would be "3 lutes = problems." It is more likely that lute parts generally have more tones attributed, so if you have three, it would work more towards perhaps a lowered note cap compared to live.
I don't think it is 2-3 lutes = problem, it acts more like a note cap problem. I did some tests and had a friend record it for me today. I hope to have a link for that later tonight or early tomorrow. I do not know if the video will show it but while playing another song, which only had one lute but did have two theorbos, I was getting loss of clarinet notes on my end. I will post again when the video gets uploaded providing it turned out well enough to use as an example.
Okay, got the links in. The first one is three songs done on Landroval and the second link is the same three songs done on Bullroarer on the evening of Jan 24th.
The songs are John Henry, Rolling in the Deep, and a lute solo of Gansta Paradise.
Last edited by Emere; Jan 25 2015 at 02:05 AM.
Reason: adding information
Fincin of Landroval
Level 105 Minstrel
*Les Beaux Chapeaux Bandleader * Transciber, Kin Leader
Founder of the Hobbit Coalition for Giving us Bunny Cosmetic Pets
Hugger of Bunnys