Thank you everyone for your continued patience on waiting for details regarding our server transfer improvements, hardware and consolidation efforts. This post will be one of a series in which I will present some more details on our plans. I won’t be able to answer all of your questions as we are still planning and building the systems, but I will answer what I can. We have many teams working on this transformation that could take the remainder of the year to complete, so I am providing information as it becomes solid enough to share.

So how will we improve the transfer process so that I don’t lose my stuff, you ask? By adding the following features:

New Launcher service: We are changing our character and account transfer service to occur in the game launcher itself. No longer will you need to find a website to conduct a transfer. You just have to launch the game and go from there!

Account transfer: This new checkbox in the Server Transfer interface will allow the transfer of all account level items from one server to another. These items include the following:
o Account Shared Currency (Mithril Coins & Skirmish )
o Shared Storage
o Housing Storage
o Wardrobe
o Destiny

Kinship transfer: We are working on a system to transfer some of your kinship information data to the new server. More details as this feature develops.

Naming Priorities: One of the main concerns is of players keeping their names. We are looking into a change in the way name conflicts are handled to give priority to the active characters. More details as this feature develops.

Region transfers: Existing characters on EU and US worlds will have a data conflict moving to a different region, so we are only able to support transfers of characters from an EU world to another EU world and US to US. You will note that we have now labeled all worlds on the launcher with their region. However, there is no restrictions on where you might start a new character and play based on your physical location, so feel free to try out new worlds in which ever region you feel most comfortable.

We aim to have this new service available in early spring this year with beta testing on Bullroarer before that time. We hope that you will join us to give feedback and stress tests to this all new and improved aspect of our service!