well, so some intro:
before my beloved LM friend left, i was starting to thinking about tanking in yellow for t2/endgame (cuz noone will like me as red). now i was studying more and thinking i can mix it up with Sparring (lot of ppl deserves punishment )
note: i am not skilled in yellow yet, i can miss some tricks just easily - any tips are welcomed and i will deal with them according to my situation
traits: http://www.lotrottp.lotrostatus.com/l.php?c=2XF
blue: i like that mark, simply
red: i like the aspd, bleed and time of needs
yellow: (i will use FA LIs, other ones than for my Red build, but thinking about unimbued Emblem here)
tossed out Noble mark (i dont trust to it), In harm's way (i feel like i need decent geared ppl who will deal with it), Shrugs Blow Aside (i think i will get other Merrit Jewelry with tones of Crit def and its not getting over cap anyway, right? - or solve it with some Essence), i refuse to use Fellowship of the Shield (i never liked those or Brother's skills, except i like both here in yellow more)
Standard of Valour would be more handy as Ground targetted burgs, but i hope i will deal with that as its, same with 4/5 in Turning points (realy need pts for blue and red traits)
any intel welcomed, maybe i am wrong and i shouldnt try to multitask - ie use Gallant display for tanking... cuz no need for such bleed for t2, its there for Sparring
Melee crit dmg, GW, Cpt aoe heal
Muster Courage Fear resist, Bleed dmg, Def. strike armour buff
7th? cutting strike/boe/battle hardened inc. dmg (dont have Crystals of remembrance)
--- here i can be wrong or no need for Crit dmg or GW at all, as it wouldnt do wonders - tips welcomed
Emblem (un imbued, cuz pulses):
Heal crit mag., Sure strike, Vocal heal
Bleed pulses, Shield of D., Last stand heal (even i dont like its change)
7th time of need
other thing is, how much resistance (if any), how much Inc healing should i have for tanking (willing to start with t2 like Sword halls and go up to Osgi t2)?
rest i can probably manage myself - discussion welcomed, shouts and trolls not :P