Anyone got a answer for this?
Hey there,
Dous anyone knows what to do abouth my problem?
I have bin playing lotro for many years now, started playing freep and had lots of fun untill the game had a new expension (I believe its was the area afther dunland)
Because suddenly I kept on crashing with traveling and even without that it was horrible to play instances etc because every freaking min I had to relog my account...
I tryed everything but I kept on crashing! And before that and even now, I can play all regions just fine till just afther dunland.
But how horrible it was I accepted the fate of not be able playing this game anymore.
Then I found monsterplay!
Great stuff and a place that I didn't crash every freaking min.
So I ranked some monsters and accepted that I was a monster forever and not playing freep anymore.
But gues what!
Afther several years playing my monsters they come out with a new PvP map (yay!!) is what I tought.
But not for me! I have the same issues there as playing my freep in the new area's, every min I got crashed! Need to log in again and again and again....
Soooow! This is the end for me playing lotro at all?
Or is there somehow a reason or thing to fix I can play as everyone els can??
Please help me here or I'm stucked in Ettens thats completely empty now afcourse..
Cheers in advance.
Last edited by Catrat; Jul 22 2015 at 01:20 PM.