Goodbye Silverlode :( R.I.P.
As was predicted Slode is closing,just want to say thx to all ppl who I played with and who made pve and pvp fun for me,have many good memories close to my heart tied to Slode,indeed sad day for me,as many of you already knows Im going Gladden with Mohak to prevent to be on Landy which imo will fill out more then 3 other servers and I really dont want to have this remaining toons on server which will be like Brandy most prolly when I already have many toons on most populated server soo searching to put this to less populated then Brandy..... As I know most of Slode will go to Landy soo just want to tell everyone goodbye and ty for all all fun fights
for others who may choose Gladden will be happy to see you there 
R.I.P. Silverlode
Landroval: Tinaiel-1 r10 mini / Tinaiel r7 mini / Tinamartina-1 r9 hunter