When are the transfers for Sliverlode going to happen?
I have been hearing about the server transfers for the past year. I thought they were supposed to start back in September so I have been checking the launchpad for the option to do that. One day the option came up to transfer to Imladris or Bullroarer and I could only copy my characters over to there. I found out afterwards that those are the test servers. I dont understand why they would give us the option to transfer to test servers when from all I can see people are wanting to transfer to the live ones -but whatever. Yesterday I got the option to transfer from Imladris to the main live servers that are going to remain after the server closures. So I thought perhaps they were just letting the copied characters onto the remaining servers and then when the closures occur the originals would be deleted along with ther servers they're on. Kind of a weird way to do it but again - whatever. So I transferred to the server I actually want to wind up on with the characters I have on Silverlode now. They did not transfer and the "get tokens" option is no longer offered. So what is going on with these server merges? It seems like they are being offered the same way the rabbit on the inner rail is being offered to dogs on a racetrack - always just in reach but never attainable. So whats the deal? I keep hearing about it but what is taking so long? If the playerbase really is that small and the hardware is in place to handle them then why this massive delay? It's beginning to get frustrating.