Been on Ark almost a week and in the moors every night.
This is a solid assessment. Extremely zergy, soloers and duos will get rolled by whole raids without even a conversation about letting them live.
You get a good small group fight someplace OR you wait on a burrowed spider, in 15 seconds you'll have 50 creeps rolling in for their sliver of the pie. OOC and map in points are the worst thing about the moors on ark.
Crazy zergy for sure.
Some decent solo action to be had while roaming the map. Bad players on both sides will be at either a GV-TR shuffle or Grams-Lugs shuffle. Avoid those areas and fights can be found, although you do end up running around finding nothing for a good chunk of the time. And you may get called out when you do find something, but is dying really such a big deal?
Had a freep group out not to long ago when it was a GV-TR shuffle. We took TR hoping to put an end to that and actually get some roaming fights. It was not even 10 minutes later that the massive freep pug raid was quite happy to take Lugs and set up a Grams camp. Part of the problem is the average player doesn't know anything other than a shuffle. They don't go out looking for a fight, just quick easy points.