I started playing LOTRO with no desire to create and play alts, as I wanted to just run one "completionist" character. After awhile, I discovered it would be much easier to create crafting alts rather than rely on kinmates or other players to craft items outside my chosen profession, so I created an alt for each guild vocation and maxed their professions and guild status. Those alts were parked near their respective guild halls and never even upgraded their gear beyond those received in the intro, save the crafting tools. While journeying through older areas completing old deeds and running old content I missed out on due to my late start to the game, I found that I had forgotten many of the details of the epic story, which I thoroughly enjoyed, so I decided to take one of my alts and replay the epic story once more. On my first character, I would pick up all quests in an area and complete them based on proximity, rather than completing each quest chain sequentially. This time through, since I wasn't worried about landscape quests other than epics, I found the story even more enjoyable. I have completed the epics on my 2nd character and am at level 100, so does anyone have any suggestions for a unique way to level another alt should I choose to do so? I really enjoyed the variances between my first two characters. Made it feel like experiencing the game in a whole new way on top of the obvious differences between classes.
On a side note, I lurk and read the threads, so have seen the concerns about keeping alts up to date at end game. One thing I noticed is that even from taking an alt on a skeleton epic quest journey up to level 100, I had accumulated a nice sum of TP that I could use to "skip" some of the endgame grind. Gear was easy for me since I have all crafting vocations covered, so I used my TP on empowerment scrolls for my imbued LIs. Since I had completed nearly everything on my main, I also had plenty of currency that I could share with my alt when needed. Granted, I only have 2 characters at level 100, so my experience is likely different than a player with 4 accounts and 25 characters at level 100. What do you spend your TP gained from alts on? I was fortunate that my main character supported my alt. Do those that play many, many characters take the opposite approach and use the alts to support the main character (i.e. use alt TP to buy cosmetics, steeds, emotes, fluff)? I admittedly don't get into the cosmetics, RP, music, collection, housing, etc. aspects of the game, so I have never been tempted by those store or resource sinks. Curious to hear your perspectives.