I've been crashing more and more often lately. Arkenstone. Computer can easily handle very high and ultra high graphics, but I don't even play on high anymore because I was crashing so often. Now, it's happening even on medium and this just shouldn't be how I have to play the game in the first place, but now the client is crashing way too often...at least that's what I've seen Frelorn say is the issue.

I know people I play with are still crashing like crazy and avoiding Minas Tirith like the plague, but I just crashed in Eastern Rohan and have crashed elsewhere today, not just there.

Is something really being done or is everyone just working on the raid that is going to have bugs in it, too and probably crashing and lag? Please fix it before the raid comes out, no matter how far along the pipeline the raid is.

This is such a long time problem that I just don't get how this isn't priority number one to get that part fixed. Is it even on the board or is new content going to keep coming out and people who WANT to play this game keep having trouble. It's not my computer and it ONLY happens here in LotRO. Not SWTOR, TESO, GW2...nothing else has this issue.