Tulluk Smash this server!!!

I have lots of friends that laughed while Tulluk Smashed, I miss them all !!

As much as I don't want to admit it, I have made lots of friends playing this game over the years… and as much as I laughed at the thought of a headset and keyboard for skills… this game kind of gave me something to do for like seven or eight years!!

Let's talk about Tolkien, horses, cloaks, festivals, swords, boards, and cool looking boots!

I played this game to stay away from people, and I ended up getting close to people… lmao who would have thought!!

May the Light of the Valar, and the Morgul Blades sink deep…

Tulluk Smash his enemies, and pve on freep!

Get to da Choppa, and get out alive…

Buffs on the Delving, aren't due (to change) until quarter past five!!!!