Hi everyone. I have 3 questions about stalker class. I know it seems answers in questions but i have to be sure.
1 - When i use 'Shadow Fang' trait, i hit shadow damage. Shadow damage is a tactical damage. Stalker become a tactical damage class with that trait?
2 - I can build max %30 melee critical hit chance with corruptions. 'Element of Surprise' trait add +%20 melee critical hit chance in stealth. Do i gain %50 melee critical hit chance in stealth with that trait or is it impossible to being more than %30 melee critical hit chance? If it is not possible that would be a treait slot waste.
3 - what is the max stealth level? I know i can build it max 8 but what is the capacity? For example if maximum capacity is 5, that would be another trait slot waste. Another question in this question: If i build stealth to max capacity is it effect hunters' track?

That is all. Have fun in game and thanks for the answers.