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  1. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Hello again, world! I've got a question, in case anybody's actually looking at this corner of the forums.

    The abovementioned-by-me LotRO MIDI Player stopped working a little while ago--some Java issue? I haven't totally given up on it, but I thought I'd try to get MIDI2KEY to work, since it seems so straightforward. But I can't--or rather, I can't get the three-octave version of things to work.

    I have, of course, taken one of the existing three-octave configuration files and renamed it to MIDI2KEY.ini. But no joy: it seems like the program sticks with its default configuration no matter what. I expect I'm missing something--but what?

    Edit: You know what? I think I got it. In case anyone's as obtuse as me: I forgot that, in Windows 10, changing the extension of a file's some kind of tricky endeavor. If you, for example, just rename a file from "MIDI2KEY.kwee_3" to "MIDI2KEY.ini," you've accomplished precisely nothing, since you haven't actually done a thing with the extension. Which means, in this particular case, that you've just got a file called "MIDI2KEY.ini.ini," which of course MIDI2KEY won't recognize as a new configuration file to use at all. Duhh. Fixed now.
    Last edited by Iralith; Dec 24 2016 at 12:36 AM.
    His thoughts were red thoughts and his teeth were white: Sredni Vashtar the Beautiful.



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