There's also an opportunity for everyone to perform their own songs at Bread & Jam on Friday, June 16th at 9pm EDT/server time at the Green Dragon in Bywater and Elevenses on Sunday, June 18th at 11am EDT/ST in the Ivy Bush in Hobbiton. These open stage music events take place every week: Bread & Jam on Friday nights in the Prancing Pony and Elevenses on Sundays at 11am & Mondays at 11pm in the Bird & Baby in Michel Delving. Make a character on Crickhollow for Shirefest and keep coming back every week for our regular music events!
Rosalie from Crickhollow's Second Breakfast
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Visit m & crickhollowmusic.guildlaunch.c om
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Our weekly events--Fridays 9pm: Bread & Jam at the Prancing Pony
Saturdays 1pm: Breakfast Club plays at Bree-town's South Gate
Sundays at 11am and Mondays at 11pm: Elevenses at the Bird & Baby
Sundays at 6pm: Roving Threats Tour
Wednesdays at 8pm: Tunes & Ales around Eriador
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Find out about the kinships of Crickhollow at
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