Name: Real name: Matt In-game names: Rinxy - Brandywine or Apexi - Brandywine (Willing to transfer)
Age: 28
Location: USA - EST timezone.
MMOs you’ve played: Rift, WoW, FFXIV
Why Kinships should be interested in you: I'm a skilled player, reliable raider, and can take constructive criticism well. Very vocal in Discord/Teamspeak, play multiple roles fluently, and love helping others in my downtime. Multiple World and US firsts in many different MMOs. Some notable achievements include:
World of Warcraft:
US 2nd Mu'ru
US 3rd Kil'Jaeden
US 1st Yogg-Saron 0 Keepers 25 man
US 1st Heroic Lich King 25 man
(Character name: Mtx/Mtxd/etc)
World 1st Turn 6,7,8,9 Savage Mode (Full completion)
(Character name: Rab Astrasza)
US 1st Warmaster Galenir
World 1st Plutonus
World 1st Ember Conclave
World 1st Akylios - Original Hammerknell
(Character name: Rallyd)
I was in Premonition on Sen'jin in WoW, and stay small Nerds and Voodoo in Rift. FFXIV I was in Collision on Gilgamesh for turns 1-9. If you need any validation I can provide proof of such achievements by logging into the characters or providing screenshots of myself in raid.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Definitely a raiding Kinship. Would prefer to be fairly active outside of raid hours, but not a deal breaker.
About me: Okay with the "epeen" stuff out of the way. I'm a very chill guy. Not being flashy, just stating my intentions and history.
I was in the Army as a 68W M6 in the 1st Ranger Battalion from 2007-2014. I deployed to Afghanistan twice. Both times were FOB Salerno and COP Sabari. I ended up getting attached to a Field Artillery Regiment in Fort Richardson Alaska (2/377 PFAR).
I absolutely love LOTR lore and history. I've played this game off and on since 2007. I raided Rift back in the day with Hammerfist Clan.
Originally from Towson, MD.. but moved to Delaware after the military.
Huge car enthusiast.
I'm currently a nurse at the VA, trying to help other veterans returning home transition to the civilian life easier than I did.
I understand the raiding scene isn't as big as other MMOs, I'm not looking for that anymore. I came back to finally settle, kill some bosses, and meet new friends along the way. Nothing but good times. Hoping to advance into Mordor with some of you. Thanks for reading!