I was told by people in game that Cordovan replied that ssg will not publish drop rate or percent of chance for items in loot boxes on the stream. Is this true? I don't want to watch whole stream and tried jumping forward but can't find it? Can anyone point me to that part? Like a time stamp.

If true that makes me question what ssg have to hide? How we even know what's in them? If the chance to get an item is 1%. If certain items are even in them? We are let to ssg whim on setting any low percent they want and we pay and don't even know what chance to get anything. Even lotteries publish such info. And people wonder why government regulations are needed? I don't want the government messing in most things but when shady business practices forces it I see no other choices. Obviously we can not trust these publishers to regulate themselves or even be transparent and publish info we all deserve to know before we pay for something.

If this info (I was provided by people in game) is not true then ignore this and please correct the info and tell me Cordovan did not say this.