Hello All,

It is Eowene the Captain, from Snowbourn. (Don’t leave just yet because you saw the name). Firstly I would like to say Hi and that sometime soon I shall be returning to LOTRO, though starting from level 1, I have no intention of playing any of my old mains. Secondly I would like to apologise for my past behaviour and attitude, I have in the past 3 years developed a lot as a person and I hope that if you recognise me in game, that you would treat it as such. I do not intend to PVP, I do not intend to view forum, or post rubbish like I used to in chat, or attempt to troll people. I started playing LOTRO from beta at the age of 15, A lot has changed and I hope if anyone from Snowbourn still plays LOTRO on Evernight, they can feel free to msg me, and reminisce on the old days.

If any Snowy players still play and knew me back in the day and would like to talk when I get in-game, drop me your char names here, and when I get my new updated gaming PC, I shall msg you in-game.

Thanks A lot,

See you soon,


PS. Over the past two days I have been looking over the old Snowbourn forums from codemasters/turbine. I would like to apologise for my behaviour and I agree that I was immature and very whiney; I hope you can forgive that too. It is in fact very embarrassing to look back on.