We are looking to recruit competent, dedicated players to join our raiding team, your desire must be to compete for OC in future raid.
As a kinship, we claimed Original Challenger of the Abyss title in the Abyss of Mordath raid.
We are aiming to get the newest content done as fast as possible. That is our main priority, in order to be part of Faded you must do the same.
We expect all applicants and members to play at their maximum abillity during raid.
We are currently looking to recruit:
All applicants must have:
Understanding of their class and it's mechanics. You must be extremely experienced with your class.
A working headset with microphone to communicate with.
Past raiding experience in raiding kinship.
Desire to compete for original challenger title.
Ability to reserve enough time needed for raid progression. (Bullroarer/Live)
Decent PC/net connection.
About us:
Majority of our playerbase is in Europe. We are most active during the evening peak times.