I was super excited to find my original game launch kin somewhat reassembled on Anor. While just a shade of it's former self it was great to be back with some old friends. Due to most of them being heavy raiders they were running and got fully rift geared before I even found out some were playing so they have mostly ended their subs until Moria and may not even return due to the lack of a PVMP commitment from SSG which kind of leaves me homeless.

Looking for a kin that raids, but not one that is primarily raid focused. One that has no problems tossing up a few players and running some random 3 and 6 mans.

Not looking to have my hand held though. Ive played consistently from lauch through level 90ish when endgame became picking flowers and LIs became the huge mess they are now.

Currently have a 50 Warden, mostly deeded but lacking any really decent gear, mostly middling AH stuff and quest finds and am leveling an RK as a change of pace.

Any kins out there that may fit this vague description reply here or shoot me a tell in game. Can be found mostly running around on my RK Hephaestus.
