Quote Originally Posted by Mukor View Post
Then would be the best solution to make the both melee taunts to aoes crys or at least one.
But even without the change at the current content with the spawn points and times it would work to pull them with the range taunt, or you can go to the spawn Position.
Groupspawns we got in glimmerdeep both bosses and anvil id1.
And in the anvil the range pull if you don't tank at the spawnposition can do your offtank.
All other fights the dpser just have to wait until All are melee. Pulling with your initial threat with a heal of yours range need some love of the lms raven until they're melee.
But just adding aoe cry(s) would make beos to op.
Other solution would be add them an aoe cry and redivmce challenge CD to 30s again.
Just because Beornings have weaker ranged agro that Guards/Cappies/etc., doesn't mean that we need a buff. I would say that this is good design actually since Beornings have an abundance of taunts to use when things finally get into melee range at different times, but have trouble grabbing them from far away. It promotes a different playstyle, which is healthy. We don't need every class to become a carbon copy of others.