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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Ettenmoors on Leg. Servers?

    Today (12/12) there was an update that added in-neighborhood transportation to the major areas in the game; Bree, Shire, etc. and one location was the Ettenmoors. I personally didn't go but a few people I know did and were able to do quests, get the renown, all that jazz. But it got fixed within 30 min of someone posting it in world chat, but after it was posted that the moors was accessible me, along with at least 20 other people rushed to the Bree stable-master to get there and it wasn't there. Causing a lot of frustration among everyone that was interested.
    Personally I think that this is the key to keep BOTH legendary servers alive, which would benefit SSG more than just raising the cap very 3-5 months, and players getting tired of running the same instances everyday or every lock. The Moors is a place where literally ANYONE can go from level 20+ and it's so much more fun than killing the same 10 wolves for that one quest, and doing ToO once or twice a week - this is why the population is declining so rapidly, granted that Minas Morgul just released, but even prior to the release, the legendary servers were already declining in population. I'm sure that nobody on these servers want their hard work to go down the drain because the servers got shut down due to lack of interest among the player base, that's over a years worth of hard work, grinding and relationship building that would sorely be missed.
    Since we're such low level (lv75) there would be minimal balance on SSG's end and kins like Infamy, and even players like myself, can do what they love which is PvP content to keep the game fresh. Not to say the game isn't fresh but it just gets bland after 2.5 months of doing nothing or leveling alts and I feel that opening up the Ettenmoors would give many people the opportunity to either come back to the game, or find a new appreciation for the game. This COULD also bring people from the "live servers" to the legendary servers which in turn would again - benifit SSG. VIP is something a lot of people dispute about and if I play in the Moors daily on Arkenstone and already have a rank 15 freep and rank 15 creep, I would get tired and want a fresh start and even a nostalgic experience of level 75 PvP. That's where the legendary servers come into play. Servers where everyone is on an even playing field, servers where people are actually excited about PvP, and servers where the players are passionate about what they do. And with VIP, there will be NO creep spies (freavers) because who's going to make a new account and pay just do spy for an advantage. This is a major problem on "live servers" and it COULD possibly be avoided with the VIP gate.
    So SSG, please take this into consideration, the sheer amount of excitement the people on Ithil felt, let alone Arnor because of their even larger player base (compared to Ithil) should be proof enough that players DO want PvP, and the people that don't want PvP can easily avoid it by just not going. Personally I don't see any harm this could cause to the game besides the amount of lag we'd have from the Moors fights.
    Last edited by Tenta_Ithil; Dec 12 2019 at 08:48 PM.



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