Raiding with The Last Alliance - an offer to small kins
Dear small kin leader on Anor
TL;DR : The Last Alliance invites other small kins on Anor to participate in Raids.
Shortly after the release of Rise of Isengard The Last Alliance started working with two other kins to raid together. We had been unable to field complete raiding teams of 12 players on our own without calling for a significant number of people in /LFF, /World, and other channels. That could work but was frequently a bit of a hassle – if we were even able to form a complete raid. Thus we formed partnerships with other, smaller kins whose members had an interest in raiding. These were “The Iron Hills Mining Collective” (all dwarves – lead by Borgrim) and “Servant of the Dark Lord” (lead by Linch). This cooperation allowed us to start raiding regularly – almost weekly – going to Draigoch (6-12 man T2C) and The Tower of Orthanc (12 man T1). Especially near the end of the expansion we frequently had to fill up the raid with friends and random players but as a rule we – and they – had a good time and cleared the tower. (Exceptions were usually due to a lack of geared tanks).
Now with almost two weeks of heavy horseback riding under our belts, we feel it is time to explore the newest double-fellowship content as well as some of the scaling older instances. We are aware that some people consider the content trivial and unexciting but that is an entirely different issue. Since Mirkwood - and made even clearer in Isengard - we do not strive to be the very "best" we can be as a group or fight against the toughest challenges. Instead our focus has been on making content available to as many people as possible. If somebody wants to try raiding, we like to provide an opportunity to do so, regardless of your experience with large group content. We have had several raiders who had never even set foot in a regular Fellowship instance before they came along in a raid with us.
On of the downsides to being an informal "Raid Training Kin" is that sometimes one of our members decides to try his luck and skills in a larger raiding kin. This is unfortunate for us but far from unexpected. We can only try to steer them towards one of the many socially adept kins with mature players. (Quite a few members of There and Back Again has a TLA history). This depletion of our ranks over time means that even if we keep reecruiting, we tend to get players with lower level characters, and while they are very welcome and cherished, they are not raiders from day one. So we have a bit of a shortfall when it comes to gathering 12 eager players on a regular basis.
To fill that shortfall I would like to offer my fellow Kin Leaders of smaller kins on Anor the opportunity to offer their members some semi-regular raiding. I cannot guarantee that we will have spots open for everybody in any given week but chances are that TLA will only fill 6-8 spots with regularity leaving 4-6 raiding spots up for grabs. And in this situation I would rather fill the open spots with players who do not regularly experience end-game large group content due to being members of smaller Kins. There are all sorts of perfectly valid reasons to play with close friends rather than join a larger kin but that shouldn't automatically preclude players from the raid experience.
We raid on the weekends at times that are more-or-less acceptable to both Europeans and Americans (see below). We use Discord to explain tactics and call out stuff during fights, so it is convenient if everybody in on Discord, however we know that some players are precluded from voice chat for various reasons, so it is not a demand. Some only listen on Discord and some require typed out explanations, which by nature can be a bit shorter than the verbal ones, but we manage.
We use Need/Greed/Pass and have only had a couple of incidents of players rolling for stuff they didn't really Need. We then let them know politely (through their Kin Leader/Officer) that we don't want to see a repetition, and that usually sorts it out. It happens sometimes because players are not used to the social norms of a group due to playing alone almost exclusively. No need to see the worst in people.
If you wish to participate in our raids with your kin, let me know either here or in-game. During raid mustering, we usually invite the Leader into the raid and let him invite his kinnies as a Raid Assistant. That has worked out just fine so far.
Our current raiding schedule is (all times are Server times [East Coast, USA] which can be seen using the /servertime command):
We have decided to end our "Raiding Season" in Rohan until the next expansion and level cap hits. we have had a lot of fun with a lot of different people participating. For now, I'd like to thank all of the good friends who have joined us and made the experience enjoyable. (Special shoutout to Thumbnail, the deadly Hunter from The Mithril League).
See you again a couple of weeks after Helm's Deep launches!
I plan to update the list weekly, letting us try a variety of raids or raid-like events - or even skirmishes. It is possible that the times will change slightly as we get feedback from kinnies & friends of the kin.
Zohal, Leader of The Last Alliance
Edit: New week added.
Last edited by Zohal; May 11 2020 at 04:11 PM.
85 Warden - Leader of The Last Alliance - Anor
Challenger of the Rift - Challenger of Helegrod