I've got a 105 Aria of the Valar burning a hole in my shared storage from way back in the Mordor pre-order and I was considering using it to boost either my High Elf Minstrel or Stout-Axe Runekeeper, crafting alts that have been treading water in the 35-45 zone for quite a while now. They will probably continue to be a crafting alt (albeit with better abilities to gather mats themselves) with the added bonus of a real chance at being level capped to run dailies and such.

The real question I have is for anyone who leveled a High Elf or Stout-Axe the old-fashioned way, were there any special quests unique to those races along the way that I would be missing out on?

When I leveled my Beorning I was really surprised and delighted about the run-ins with Langhar, Sterkist, and Grimbeorn along the way to cap and I would hate to miss out on similar story moments for my HE/SA characters if there are any. But it seems like most of those encounters were stand-ins for class quests as opposed to racial ones and I haven't seen anything in the lotro wiki to suggest Hatharlin or the SA's we escaped(?) with reappear prior to Mordor.

Any info is appreciated. Thanks!