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  1. #27
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Brolad View Post
    Yellow wardens are still relevant in the raid - you want to have one in your raid, a warden pretty much only goes red if you already have another yellow warden - their DPS is on a similar level but yellow line increases your raid's DPS by a bit more.

    CC is also surprisingly relevant in Remmo. It's useless on first boss, that's true, but it's very useful on 2nd boss to keep flies away from group, first phase of third boss puts a lot of emphasis on FMs (I personally don't like that mechanic much, tbh) and on CCing the 2 adds. And on boss 4 it's absolutely crucial during add phases (not in t1 but in t2+). Remmo actually works quite well for employing CC into fight strategies, but even in boss 1 where there's nothing to CC both burg and LM have enough things to do to not get bored.

    RK cleanse is insane and I agree that it should be changed (probably together with DPS RK specs' survivability), but I'm not so sure about buffing warden/champ cleanse. Wardens are more or less fine with one debuff removed every 5 seconds without an extremely long animation and champs can easily make up for their lacking cleanse skill by using CBR and just resisting almost everything. The only change I'd be fine with seeing regarding that would be removing the silly need to have a swappy LI for cleanse cooldown reduction.
    This is helpful to know, especially as someone who hasn't run Remno, that Yellow Warden still appears to be viable, so thanks for the insight! I see a lot of yellow warden requests in world chat and usually when I asked the response is "because they can slow boss 1", so I assumed that was their main utility in the raid, much like Yellow burg with double disable or LM with the various lore skills. As someone who focused on yellow warden before it was meta, this makes me happy to hear.

    What bothers me most about the cures for Warden/Champ is the power cost is over 10% of my power pool on Warden. Seems the scaling is a bit off in that regard. ~300 power is plenty cost and still would be 5% of the total. Champ is actually not horrible with power cost of the skill - its only 416 power, and decreases to 312 if you have fervor (which is what the warden should be around, is 300-400), yet the 45s cooldown is prohibitive and requires a swap LI, like you mentioned. But I digress

    Last edited by fmac81; Oct 06 2020 at 09:05 AM.
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