Hello anyone who manages to read this post in a dead subforum.
I haven't played for many years. Even though at somepoint I saw the email about the worlds transfer, for a reason I don't remember I wasn't able to do that in time. Now I try to return to the game, I can't transfer my account from Gilrain, and from what I understand Gilrain along with few other servers are still in a closing state, and at somepoint in the time they will be available again for transfer to active worlds.
I have played only on that server, so my only choice for now is create a new hero and start from scratch, something that currently I wouldn't like to invest again lots of hours to reach the point I was in Gilrain...
Since 2016, when most worlds closed, 5 years have passed and there are worlds still on closing state? Weird.

So, my question is, when will Gilrain be available for transfer.
