Was there anything concrete? I stopped after the 5th or 10th "yes we want to do this but we don't know when" and "yes this is a good idea and we are looking into it but we don't know if we can do it" followed by "we hope to have something we can show on LIs within a few months (very disappointing since I could have sworn he had mentioned that something would be out in about a month from when he said it which means less than a month from today) followed by "the new servers will be released Soon (TM)".
I hadn't expected a lot that was more specific but I had hoped for something more than what I saw.
By edit - this was in the forums June 14:
"we're planning to get the Legendary Item revamp done before U31 launches. No announced date yet, but I'm hopeful that we'll have something to show players within the next month."
Now it has become maybe something to show within a few months. Given that this cheese has been dangled in front of the mice for years, pulled ever backward, I find this emphatically less than encouraging.