Are people really sure they want what they are asking for? What point would you like to hop on at? Prior to the crafting change from mob drops to shards? Not being able to talk to NPC's on a steed? Entering MP via Fell Scrying Pools? Grinding, and it was a grind to get to level 35 for a horse only to realise that you have nowhere near the 4g 250s to purchase one?
I fondly remember those days the natural progression from grouping up for Bone Man moving on to the Great Barrow, Garth Agarwen, Fornost and beyond, however today time seems to be a persons most important commodity and a lot of the old SOA game took a lot of time. I don't think it would be as welcomed as some of the posters make out. The three instances I mentioned would return to their original states. No wings, no instance finder. Fornost in particular used to take forever especially to do all of the quests. Again I look back fondly on those times and indeed if the game hadn't made those QoL improvements no doubt I'd still be happy with them but having played with them for so long to return to them would seem like taking a TARDIS back to the dark ages.
Every feature that you consider a weak point is in fact a strength of SoA and is exactly why people want to play it. I want horses to be harder to acquire. I CERTAINLY don't want the instance finder, that feature did so much to ruin the game. This is Middle-Earth-- I want to travel and see the world. At no point was I annoyed that I had to meet my group at the entrance of the instance.
Anything which is called a QoL improvement is precisely the opposite. Whenever devs begin rolling those out , the quality of the game nosedives