How about finishing what you promised? by consolidating Interior Housing Hooks?
Enormous Yard Items should now render at a greater distance.
Using the housing decoration, Gammer's Cozy Hobbit Bed, will now randomly change the bedding color to one of 8 different options.
The Small Obsidian Wall Carving housing decoration has been made just a bit smaller, to better fit its small wall decoration hook.
The Door to Mazarbul Replica and Free-standing Door to Mazarbul Replica housing decorations will now open and close on use. You may wish to remove and replace these items on their decoration hooks in order to properly update the physics.
Interior Housing Hooks have been consolidated:
Thin, Small and Large Furniture Hooks are now simply Furniture Hooks.
Small and Large Floor Hooks are now simply Floor Hooks.
Small and Large Wall Hooks are now simply Wall Hooks.
NOTE: Items placed in hooks may need to have their placement/rotation adjusted as part of these changes.
this was to be done with update 30 what happened to it?