“Empty and silent were all the lands about when the King of the Sea marched upon Middle-earth. For seven days he journeyed with banner and trumpet, and he came to a hill, and he went up, and he set there his pavilion and his throne; and he sat him down in the midst of the land, and the tents of his host were ranged all about him, blue, golden, and white, as a field of tall flowers. Then he sent forth heralds, and he commanded Sauron to come before him and swear to him fealty. And Sauron came. Even from his mighty tower of Barad-dûr he came and made no offer of battle. For he perceived that the power and majesty of the Kings of the Sea surpassed all rumor of them, so that he could not trust even the greatest of his servants to withstand them …”.
At this time Sauron was in possession of the One Ring and yet decided to give up without a fight against a host of Númenoreans lead by their king Al Pharazon. Not even trusting the greatest of his servants. What mighty creatures Sauron had at his services during the Second Age surely would have been on par to dragons and Balrogs. Yet Sauron could not trust even they to stand up to the Numenoreans. How powerful is that and Sauron has the Ring? Wow!!!
And then we have this after Sauron was captured and brought to Númenor: “… Sauron passed over the sea and looked upon the land of Númenor, and on the city of Armenelos in the days of its glory, and he was astounded …” Sauron was astonished by what he saw? The key lieutenant of Melkor who had seen and ravaged many spender cities of the Noldor astonished at what he saw in Númenor?
Oh my gosh! What an amazing race the Númenoreans must have been at this time! In my opinion they must have been the greatest race of all peoples ever to live on Arda. I would love to see this, so I hope this fact does not get ignored by Amazon if they do end up showing Númenor before they go on that ill fated and Sauron influenced siege of Valinor. Which even it had to be a feat for Manwe chose not to directly fight them but instead petitioned Eru Iluvatar to intervene which He did and not only destroying the entire mighty fleet but sinking Númenor and changing all the world for ever after in the process.