I had hoped to read a hint in the Producer's Letter about future content AFTER Gundabad. Is it just me? We're at a point in the story where both The Black Book of Mordor and Durin's Legacy are wrapped up. Ahead of us are regions hitherto unexplored in Lord of the Rings video games (as far as I know). Where will we go? Is this what Volume V will pursue or are the stories to come part of another, new epic story?

As for where: is the plan to venture into Rhun, where several events during The Black Book pointed?

Or will we venture south into Harad? Perhaps towards Umbar? The Galadriel Mirror quest hinted at jungles for the Brawler but that fizzled out to some garden inside an Angmarim stronghold in Gundabad. Regardless, jungles would be an exciting landscape to see in game!

Maybe our path will take us deeper into Mordor, such as Nurn or Lithlad?

A little light shone on this would be appreciated. The story and zone developers always do a great job so I know I'll be happy with whatever direction we march in. It's all so exciting, venturing into new landscapes, cultures, and (possibly) new kinds of enemies!