I would like to ask SSG what is the current state of servers stability.
We all know lag is just common think in Lotro. Its not connection lag, its just server lag. I dont play PvMP just because its impossible to do anything there, lags for 30s and just wait till every packet get spitted to u at once so u can see ur death. The same is happening slowly in pve. Earlier there were lag spikes, once every half hour u had to have 10s lag or its not lotro u playing. Now its not lag spike its just lag all the time and sometimes u get 30s spikes when u cant do anything. The same happen every time when new zone is realesed. Gundabad.. khazad dum everything.
Its just server code fault, or hardware? Its definitely not connection altho this is also debatable while playing from europe...
Anyway, since festival started game is just unplayable. Skill execution 2-3s is best u can get most of the time.
I wrote ticket about it and i just got templated response "we're working on it". Well i play this game for a long time and how long u want to work on it? 15 years were not enough ?
I still remember the same lags in pelennor area, where skill execution took 5s every single time. That area is cursed since long time.
The paradox of this game is that you want more ppl to play, but when more ppl play u cant play. Everyone is praying for this festival to end now. Thats what u want SSG ?
Why dont you give us some update what u doing about lag? Its the worst thing in this game. You made dynamic very fast instances/raids where u need to be just fast or die. Now you just watch bleeds tick 200k on u and u cant do nothing because skill wont execute.
I just think this should be top priority and at least once a month should give us an update will this be possible to fix it or its just deep in server code and you need like another year for fix ?
Should it not be the top priority?