Recently, when perusing this forum, I found the following post from producer @Raninia in the thread, "Crafting overhaul anytime soon?" (, where he writes:

Quote Originally Posted by Raninia View Post
I don't think we need a document per se, but would love to get broad sense of what y'all enjoy about crafting and what things you don't. That said, just because you give us feedback - some of which will undoubtedly be contradictory - doesn't mean we'll do the specific thing you specifically asked for.
Reading this, I was a little struck that we didn't already have a thread to discuss "what [we] enjoy about crafting and what things [we] don't". Though I myself am a pretty casual crafter, I think it's about time we got a thread like this going, especially since we have heard a crafting update may be in the works. With that in mind, I propose we use this space to detail 1) what we enjoy about the current system, 2) what we do not, and 3) what we'd like to see in future iterations of the crafting system (this might be a good area to offer suggestions from the crafting systems of other games like FF14). Perhaps a single thread like can more helpfully illustrate to the devs what we want from crafting and what we expressly do not.

I encourage people to think beyond the common complaint that crafting up until level 100 was solid, while the last 3 tiers were useless. What would make crafting even up to level 100 better for you?

I myself am a fairly casual crafter and have yet to reach the final tier (my highest levelled character being just over 100), but I have spoken to enough kinnies and people in World to know that LOTRO's crafting as it currently stands leaves something to be desired. Thus, I'll leave the floor to those of you who are more familiar with the crafting system than I am to air our your frustrations with the system and your desires for future iterations of it.