Once I could purchase Gundabad using Lotro Points have been slowly leveling my toons to 140. After leveling my Hunter, Captain (for years my main), Warden, Burglar, Runekeeper have been working on my Beorning. So far leveling my Beorning solo has been the easiest, even easier than Hunter who can with regularly kill mobs before they get into melee range. I had a little trouble with Tombs of the Old Lords mainly when a tomb had Dwarf Wights. My Beorning? Super easy, barely an inconvenience. Slicer the Stonejaw that sometimes defeated my toons with nasty bleeds so had to try again with a different approach? One and done.

I used to think Warden was the easiest class for solo play. Then Burglar. Now? I would say Beorning. Mows through mobs, takes a beating, keeps on lumbering.