I was hoping I could get a concrete answer from SSG on the shared storage slots that come with ultimate version of Before the Shadow expansion.
Cord stated on stream that they will "go over current storage cap." (I believe current cap is 320? Someone correct me if Im wrong.)
I took this to mean that ONLY IF we are at 320 and buy the ult edition, upon release our shared storage would be at 330 slots. (Meaning theres no other way to get to 330 outside of THESE exact 10 slots, added from a capped account.)
But talking to some other people made me realize they interpreted Cord's statement to mean that the ult pack RAISES your shared storage cap, regardless of your current slot number. So if you currently have 200 shared storage, buy ult edition, then months later when you get to cap it will allow you to be at 330 instead of 320.
Not only would I like to know which one it is, I would really love a clear guarantee that these slots (in either option) WILL allow player to go over current cap of 320.
I know Cord stated it in interview but Im hesitant as sometimes the information given is incorrect, and this directly impacts which version I buy, and if I also buy additional shared storage pre-release.
Also, if it turns out where us players buy this ult pack while being at current shared storage cap, and it was confirmed that it does go over cap...and then it turns out it actually doesnt...what recompense will be allowed? Can we be refunded the ult edition to allow us to perhaps buy a lower edition?