Quote Originally Posted by aleczander View Post
A few people have mentioned lag/performance, and so far you guys have ignored its existence completely - both in the letter itself and the responses on this thread. This leads me to believe that you have nothing to say right now that wouldn't cause more worry or disappointment than hope. The silence is loud.

Before I even started reading the letter, I said to myself, "Please, acknowledge the lag problem, at the very least."

You guys seem to avoid the "lag problem" like some plague unleashed by Lhaereth (which is a good story, btw - Lhaereth, not your failure to deal with lag).

Are we waiting on some third-party vendor (contract) to "update/upgrade" or replace the servers maybe this year, maybe next, or what light can you shed on this years-long issue?

Otherwise, Umbar, crafting updates, other landscape stuff, etc. sounds ambitious and hopeful. Speaking of ambition, I'm tempted to begin doubting that you believe everything in the letter can actually be accomplished this year, otherwise, you'd have said something like "exciting." Maybe I'm too cynical in this one department, but honestly, I'm ok with delays if it means more polish. How's the hiring been going for SSG?

Finally, thank you, Orion, for stepping up and wearing these new hats and dealing with all the BS inherent to the forums.
Orion Lead Systems Designer, not engineer, so why he need fill another person's job and go deep into technical details?