So I have a bug where I somehow have two copies of the "On a continuing mission(weekly)" on my character.

One is in my quest log, as a currently selected quest, the other is showing up on that popup on the right side of the screen for landscape quests and such. However, the 2nd one will never allow me to accept it, even if I finish the one in my quest log, and will never leave the quest popup thing even if I hit decline. So now I'm permanently stuck up with the quest popup thing on the right hand side of the screen all the time.

If there any way a dev can like forcibly remove the quest from the tracker or something?

Below is an image of the issue. As you can see I have the "On a continuing mission(weekly)" quest already in my quest log, yet there is a 2nd version of it popup up on the right hand side of the screen that I can click to open a quest accept/decline window. But It wont let me either accept or decline the quest, even if I complete or cancel the one already in my quest log so that quest action button never goes away.