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  1. #51
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    MT = Mis-Typed

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    good list. I didn't see INC in it though.

    It happens from time to time when you run with a fellowship or whatnot. Not everyone may be at the same level or running in a single line. Sometimes someone gets within the aggro range of some mobs and they start chasing.

    Using the word Inc or INC notifies the fellowship that a mob is approaching and that action should be taken to sort it out. For example. If the fellowship have one tank who runs in the front and are belinging for a mob. The "inc" will tell them that they should stop, turn around and handle the incoming mob, before going for their intended target.

  3. #53
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    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    Quote Originally Posted by threelefts View Post
    Proc (I'm not even sure if LotRO has weapons that proc - I'm still new to the game). No one's REALLY sure the acronym stands for exactly, but it's a common mmo word that is generally accepted to be short for 'Procedure' although some believe that it stands for either 'Process', 'Programmed Random Occurance, or possibly Potential Rate Of Cast (this one is my favorite). It can also be thought of as an abbreviation of 'Proclivity', meaning a tendency or inclination.

    Whatever the case may be, this abbreviation refers to when a weapon or item activates with a "Chance on Use" effect (an ability or a spell).

    So if you have a magic sword that has a chance to cast an extra 25 fire damage while fighting, every once in a while the sword would randomly "proc" an extra 25 damage.
    I have always heard it came from "Process." That is, the item would randomly execute a process (e.g., subroutine) to "proc" a specific effect. Although, I like the "proclivity" tie-in.

    Quote Originally Posted by Avarune View Post
    MT = Mis-Typed
    Actually, I think you will find that MT means "Mis-Tell." It is a short cut way of telling the person you just sent a tell to that the message was meant to for someone else. Thus, it is used generically of any message sent to the wrong person/channel, but the word is derived from "Mis-Tell."

    Quote Originally Posted by Veniir View Post
    good list. I didn't see INC in it though.

    It happens from time to time when you run with a fellowship or whatnot. Not everyone may be at the same level or running in a single line. Sometimes someone gets within the aggro range of some mobs and they start chasing.

    Using the word Inc or INC notifies the fellowship that a mob is approaching and that action should be taken to sort it out. For example. If the fellowship have one tank who runs in the front and are belinging for a mob. The "inc" will tell them that they should stop, turn around and handle the incoming mob, before going for their intended target.
    The analysis is correct, but you did not mention that it is short for "Incoming."
    Last edited by Voxin; Aug 20 2007 at 06:20 PM.
    [CENTER][SIZE=1][B][FONT=Courier New][COLOR=#ff0000]Voxin[COLOR=black]*****[/COLOR][COLOR=white]Level 60[/COLOR][COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]Man Champion[COLOR=black]*****[/COLOR][COLOR=yellow]|[/COLOR][COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][/COLOR]Elrath[/COLOR][COLOR=black]**[/COLOR][COLOR=black]**[/COLOR]Level 60[COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]Elf Lore-master[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
    [CENTER][B][FONT=Courier New][SIZE=1][COLOR=red]Sotuadi[/COLOR][COLOR=black]***[/COLOR]Level 60[COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]Hobbit Burglar[COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][COLOR=yellow]|[/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B][COLOR=red][B][FONT=Courier New][SIZE=1]Braevan[COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][COLOR=white]Level 55[/COLOR][COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]Hobbit Minstrel[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER]

  4. #54
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    Apr 2007

    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    Quote Originally Posted by Adder View Post
    A Buff is anything that enhances your character's abilities (mobs can and do have buffs too). These are usually short term, but may also be long term such as the Hunter's Stance that continues until stopped by you or you are incapacitated or log out. (As a side note - although it isn't generally used in this way, technically any piece of armour, jewelry, or weapon that has a stat or ability increasing characteristic is a Buff!)

    A De-Buff is anything that removes Buffs currently on a character or mob. Mobs can de-buff you and you can de-buff mobs. A de-buff on a mob is not necessarily one that will reduce his ability to harm you, it may also increase your ability to harm him such as an armour de-buff (again, this works both ways).
    While the basic ideas are correct, I cannot agree with some of the details.

    That is, in strict sense of the word, a buff is a state put on a character or Mob/NPC that increases stats or abilities. The effect can be long-term and in-effect until manually toggled off. Or the effect can be short-term and in-effect for a given time period. For example, the Lore Master skill "Ancient Wisom" buffs the Lore Master's Wisdom stat by a specific amount for 30 minutes. This would be a short-term buff. After 30 minutes, it has to be recast to keep the buff going. The Champion skill "Fervor" is a state that generates extra fervor points for him during combat. This state is long-term and lasts until toggled off.

    In the generic sense, the term can be used of anything that increases a character's abilities, as in "That armor set buffs my Might by 45 points," meaning that it gives him 45 extra points of Might over and above what he has naturally or through other increases without the armor. However, technically, this is not what is meant by a "buff" since a state is, for instance, removed upon death. Both Wisdom and Fervor have to be recast upon death. The stat increases from armor do not go away on death. The one exception is that some armor/items do have castable effect which will add a short term buff, but the stat increases of the armor itself is not technically a buff.

    A debuff is simply the opposite of a buff. In some games, there are specific skills/spells which can remove a buff state from a character or mob/NPC. However, while these do "debuff" the character, the technical term for such a skill is a "dispell" as it removes or "dispells" the effect. So while this is technically a type of debuff, it is more accurate to define a debuff as a state placed on a character or mob/NPC which reduces its stats or abilities. The dred you get after being demoralized is a debuff. Wounds and poisons are debuffs. These all place a state on you in which your stats are reduced for a given time.

    Like most things, the terms are used in a wider sense, but technically a buff or debuff is a state that either increases or decreases (respectively) a character or mob/NPC's stats or abilities.
    [CENTER][SIZE=1][B][FONT=Courier New][COLOR=#ff0000]Voxin[COLOR=black]*****[/COLOR][COLOR=white]Level 60[/COLOR][COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]Man Champion[COLOR=black]*****[/COLOR][COLOR=yellow]|[/COLOR][COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][/COLOR]Elrath[/COLOR][COLOR=black]**[/COLOR][COLOR=black]**[/COLOR]Level 60[COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]Elf Lore-master[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
    [CENTER][B][FONT=Courier New][SIZE=1][COLOR=red]Sotuadi[/COLOR][COLOR=black]***[/COLOR]Level 60[COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]Hobbit Burglar[COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][COLOR=yellow]|[/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B][COLOR=red][B][FONT=Courier New][SIZE=1]Braevan[COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][COLOR=white]Level 55[/COLOR][COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]Hobbit Minstrel[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER]

  5. #55
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    May 2007

    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    Elites: Big baddies that u dont wanna mess with = correct. Always purple = incorrect. lol.
    the term 'elite' is used ingame alot for 'higher-than-normal' lvel of a mob. For a full list, there's:
    - swarm
    - normal
    - signature
    - elite
    - master-elite
    - nemesis
    - arch-nemesis.
    the term "elite" altho sometimes correctly used to refer to the level "Elite" in the list above, can sometimes used for even higher level ones (ME, Nemesis, etc). Even signatures (lower than elite) can be designated as the term 'elite'...
    As for purple, no, colours are the level of the monsters that corresponds to ur own level. purple means 'dont touch' lol, or a mob 9level higher than u. others are red, orange, yellow, white, blue, light-blue, green, grey. go figure.

    Proc: forgot what it stands for, but the are the extra passive stats on an item that might get activated, or processed, as you use that items. examples are weapons with "demoralizes: take ur enemy's morale every now n then", means when it actually DOES absord some morale, that means it just "proc'd". In lotro, not only weapons, theres Armours that can 'proc' as well. certain earrings, for example, has +300 power - 30 cooldown. meaning, there's a chance that it will give u the 300 power, but when it does, it needs 30min to have a chance to happen again. same with blunt weapons' ability to stun, reduce enemy's armour, or after book10, make them harder to evade or slowed them down etc...

    MT = Main Tank - the main meat shield in ur group. u want the enemies to focus on this guy altho there might be another "tank" class in the group.
    mt = misstell - u send a tell to somebody u didnt intend to.

    DPS = pure calculated figure to help u quickly glanze the power of a weapon, although what really matters for most classes are the min-max damages, speed, and damage type. Plus the skills that are going to use that weapon. Those are what really determine the damage ur dealing. The formula used is get the (somewhat odd) average min/max damage divided by speed. 70~90damage 3.0 speed = 80average/3 = ~27DPS.

    Weapon Speed: the count in Seconds the weapon has a cooldown before it can be used again. add the skills cooldown, and the global cooldown to the formula and u get 1 heck of a headache

    Weapon Range: the range in in-game-meters how far it will hit. how far is a meter? not sure. go ask a dwarf or a hobbit.

    yes, FM = Fellowship Moves.

    In PvMP: Keeps = castle/ area where a freep/creep can control.

    Area abbriviation: (some r pretty obvious, but heck, might as well)
    EM = Ettenmoors
    CD = Carn-dum
    URG/Urug = Urugarth
    BG = Barad Gularan
    GB = Great Barrows
    LL = Lone Lands
    ND = NorthDowns
    TS = Trollshaws
    MM = Misty Mountains
    Gab (this is hard) = Gabilazan is in Angmar, Gabilshatur is in MM. or i can even mix the 2... hmm.... the one in Angmar is good dwarf-camp. The one in MM is enemy dwarf camp.
    MD = Mikael Delving

    Ettenmoors Abbrv. (since its fast-paced high level area, alot of the keeps/castle are shortned.)
    - LUG: the Lugazan/NW camp
    - TR: Tirith Rhaw
    - TA: T**.... i forgot...
    - LC: Lumber Camp/SW camp
    - HH: Hoardale/SW refuge
    - Isendeep.

    hmmm....... what else did i miss?
    *Sapience stuff deleted*

  6. #56
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    Jul 2007

    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    MOB stands for Mobile Object. technically NPCs are MOBs. or at least this is what i always thought.

    Quote Originally Posted by Avarune View Post
    MT = Mis-Typed
    hmmmm i thought it was Miss Tell - as in you've sent a Tell to someone you didn't intend to, and later it just translated to sending a message anywhere that it wasn't meant for.
    Last edited by postalblowfish7; Aug 21 2007 at 05:26 PM.

  7. #57
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    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    Quote Originally Posted by postalblowfish7 View Post
    MOB stands for Mobile Object. technically NPCs are MOBs. or at least this is what i always thought.

    hmmmm i thought it was Miss Tell - as in you've sent a Tell to someone you didn't intend to, and later it just translated to sending a message anywhere that it wasn't meant for.

    Mob is from "mobile object." Techhically, it could refer to any computer controlled character/creature in the game. However, "mob" is almost exclusively used of creatures and critters you kill. NPC is sometimes used generically when referring to mobs, but it is most often used when referring to computer controlled characters you interact with or that are there for ambiance. This is a useful distinction in that mobs are usually things you attack and NPCs are usually quest givers or other non-attackable characters in the game.
    [CENTER][SIZE=1][B][FONT=Courier New][COLOR=#ff0000]Voxin[COLOR=black]*****[/COLOR][COLOR=white]Level 60[/COLOR][COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]Man Champion[COLOR=black]*****[/COLOR][COLOR=yellow]|[/COLOR][COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][/COLOR]Elrath[/COLOR][COLOR=black]**[/COLOR][COLOR=black]**[/COLOR]Level 60[COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]Elf Lore-master[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
    [CENTER][B][FONT=Courier New][SIZE=1][COLOR=red]Sotuadi[/COLOR][COLOR=black]***[/COLOR]Level 60[COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]Hobbit Burglar[COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][COLOR=yellow]|[/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B][COLOR=red][B][FONT=Courier New][SIZE=1]Braevan[COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][COLOR=white]Level 55[/COLOR][COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]Hobbit Minstrel[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER]

  8. #58
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    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    Quote Originally Posted by Someday View Post
    While "ur" is frequently used, it's not an acronym, but (usually) either carelessness or just plain laziness.
    While I would agree that "ur" is not an acronym but an abbreviation, I think it's a misunderstanding to call it carelessness or laziness. It's a member of the chat vocabulary that is not limited to mmo's (massive multiplayer online games) and has nothing to do with carelessness or laziness and everything to do w/ efficiency and efficacy.

    Whereas abbreviations such as "w/" or "&" have their origins before chat, many ppl (people) use common new abbreviations to speed up their typing or texting, and similarly allow the pacing of chat to more resemble that of free speech. In practice, there is essentially no difference between typing "brb" (be right back) or "afk" (away from keyboard), which are acronyms, and typing "ur" or "cya" which are abbreviations. Both reduce keystrokes, have the same concept in their etymology, and produce the same desired effect. The ampersand only reduces 2 characters yet has been commonly used for centuries. Clearly there is nothing that makes an abbreviation "lazier" than an acronym... imho (in my humble opinion).

  9. #59
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    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    I see "LFM" a lot in the LFF channel, what does that mean?

  10. #60
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    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    Quote Originally Posted by Doppelbock View Post
    I see "LFM" a lot in the LFF channel, what does that mean?
    Looking for More - they already have part of the 6 members in the fellowship and are looking for more.
    O Elvenking! … Merry be the Greenwood while the world is yet young and merry be all your folk!

  11. #61
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    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    What does PVE mean?
    Player Versus <?what?>

  12. #62
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    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    Quote Originally Posted by simpatico View Post
    What does PVE mean?
    Player Versus <?what?>

    Player vs. Environment. Mobs/NPCs are part of the computer contolled environment your character moves around in; thus, PvE refers to playing against the computer while PvP (Player vs. Player) or, in this game, PvMP (Player vs. Monster Player) refers to fighting (playing against) other players.
    Last edited by Voxin; Sep 05 2007 at 06:31 PM.
    [CENTER][SIZE=1][B][FONT=Courier New][COLOR=#ff0000]Voxin[COLOR=black]*****[/COLOR][COLOR=white]Level 60[/COLOR][COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]Man Champion[COLOR=black]*****[/COLOR][COLOR=yellow]|[/COLOR][COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][/COLOR]Elrath[/COLOR][COLOR=black]**[/COLOR][COLOR=black]**[/COLOR]Level 60[COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]Elf Lore-master[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
    [CENTER][B][FONT=Courier New][SIZE=1][COLOR=red]Sotuadi[/COLOR][COLOR=black]***[/COLOR]Level 60[COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]Hobbit Burglar[COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][COLOR=yellow]|[/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B][COLOR=red][B][FONT=Courier New][SIZE=1]Braevan[COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][COLOR=white]Level 55[/COLOR][COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]Hobbit Minstrel[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER]

  13. #63
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    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    Quote Originally Posted by somewhiteguy951 View Post
    Nuker and DPS are similar in meaning and can be used interchangably. AoE is Area of Effect of a skill. You have the basics down pretty well, the stuff gets harder to understand if you run into younger gamers.

    Young gamers have more experience with IM chat and thus shorthand more. Though us old guys who play a lot of MMOs are catching up.

    Could not agree more as a more Ahem older player i scratch my head sometimes while looking at the screen, but like somewhiteguy said im catching up

  14. #64
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    Question Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    What's "Mezz" mean??

  15. #65
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    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    Mezz comes from the word "mesmerize". It means to stun, freeze, sleep, render unconscious or otherwise delay an enemy to keep it from attacking, moving, or performing any other actions. This is different than the concept of a "root", which simply keeps the enemy from moving. A rooted enemy can still attack, cast spells, etc.

    Hope this helps.

  16. #66
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    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    I've been around MMO's for a while, but there's one word that keeps popping up that I don't quite get. What is shotty? I've seen it in various posts and based on usage I can infer that it means something negative, like poor. Is it something that's been shot full of holes? 8|

  17. #67
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    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ealdfryth View Post
    I've been around MMO's for a while, but there's one word that keeps popping up that I don't quite get. What is shotty? I've seen it in various posts and based on usage I can infer that it means something negative, like poor. Is it something that's been shot full of holes? 8|
    Could it be that they mean shoddy? That means something is of inferior construction. Maybe these kids just don't know how to spell : )
    [FONT=book antiqua][COLOR=#808080][SIZE=2]
    . . . plus too many alts![/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]

  18. #68
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    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    Oh, yeah. You're probably right. Doh! Thanks.

  19. #69
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    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    Bio -- Need for quick bathroom break

    AFK -- Away From Keyboard

    OTW -- "on the way" Usually in response to meeting/helping/joining someone
    OMW -- "on my way" See OTW above
    BRT -- "be right there" See OTW above

    INC -- Incoming hostile monster or player (in PvP)

    Add -- Generally an unwanted monster that jumps in your current fight

    Pop -- Generally a monster spwaned in this area of the party and others may need quick notification if they dont see

    LoS -- "line of sight" Breaking los will sometimes cause monsters to stop range attack and move towards players

    FTW "for the win" Expression of postive aspect/item i.e. Ranged Combat FTW -- Bracer of Hammerfist FTW

    Ag (agro) -- short cut for letting party members know you have agro. Most often used my healers etc since they should not be getting hit.

  20. #70
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    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    Quote Originally Posted by Thorondor View Post
    Mezz comes from the word "mesmerize". It means to stun, freeze, sleep, render unconscious or otherwise delay an enemy to keep it from attacking, moving, or performing any other actions. This is different than the concept of a "root", which simply keeps the enemy from moving. A rooted enemy can still attack, cast spells, etc.

    Hope this helps.
    The above information is basically correct, but just to be clear, there is almost always a difference between a Stun and a Mez.

    In most games, CC (crowd control) has three major categories:

    Mez - Completely shuts down the target (can't move, can't attack), long duration, breaks instantly on damage (some games prevent indirect AoE damage from affecting the target while mezzed).

    Stun - Completely shuts down the target (can't move, can't attack), shorter duration, will not break on damage.

    Root - Prevents the target from moving (but not from turning in place), medium to long duration, has a chance to break on damage. The rooted target can attack back as long as its target is within its attack range from where it is rooted. How easily a root can break on damage varies by game and root skill.
    [CENTER][SIZE=1][B][FONT=Courier New][COLOR=#ff0000]Voxin[COLOR=black]*****[/COLOR][COLOR=white]Level 60[/COLOR][COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]Man Champion[COLOR=black]*****[/COLOR][COLOR=yellow]|[/COLOR][COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][/COLOR]Elrath[/COLOR][COLOR=black]**[/COLOR][COLOR=black]**[/COLOR]Level 60[COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]Elf Lore-master[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
    [CENTER][B][FONT=Courier New][SIZE=1][COLOR=red]Sotuadi[/COLOR][COLOR=black]***[/COLOR]Level 60[COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]Hobbit Burglar[COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][COLOR=yellow]|[/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B][COLOR=red][B][FONT=Courier New][SIZE=1]Braevan[COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][COLOR=white]Level 55[/COLOR][COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]Hobbit Minstrel[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER]

  21. #71
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    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    I took a quick look through this thread but didn't find an explanation as to what QFE and QFT mean. I see people use them all the time in the forums.

    I've got my suspicions... but maybe someone could let me know?
    [COLOR="Cyan"]Landroval - Nibenrhaw ~ Loremaster | Eladrid ~ Burglar | Squeesh ~ Defiler[/COLOR]
    [COLOR="Orange"]Meneldor - Fungushnitzel ~ Minstrel | Clingan ~ Champion | Snapnakh ~ Stalker[/COLOR]

  22. #72
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    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    I'm pretty sure QFT means Quite Frickin' True.

    Or, not quite exactly that, but you get the idea.

    QFE has me lost.

  23. #73
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    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    QFE is "Quoted for Emphasis". Shorthand for, "I totally agree, dude, couldn't have said it better myself." You see it on forums like this, often with simply a quote from another poster and the phrase "QFE".

  24. #74
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    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    As a new member, this post and thread has been very helpful.

    See you all on the inside!

  25. #75
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    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    Quote Originally Posted by Womdon View Post
    I took a quick look through this thread but didn't find an explanation as to what QFE and QFT mean. I see people use them all the time in the forums.

    I've got my suspicions... but maybe someone could let me know?
    QFE= Quoted For Emphasis
    QFT= Quoted For Truth

    Yeah, those threw me for a loop when I first saw them cropping up. Thought someone was cussing me out in a new way. :P


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