Just taking this idea from other serversLet's see what you all look like! Dont be shy lol
Just taking this idea from other serversLet's see what you all look like! Dont be shy lol
Aren't you supposed to start it off?
~Figgy~ 87~
Hobbit Minstrel
The g/f and I before prom about 2 years ago. :]
Last edited by aregowe; Dec 19 2007 at 01:44 PM.
Me on a motorcycle trip up the Natchez Trace one Labor Day.
[i][b]Mallek Shieldstorm[/b] - 50 Guardian
[b]Khodos Mordhaus[/b] - 50 Captain
[b]Tegas[/b] - 50 Hunter
Last august.
[size=3][color=violet]~ Lethy, burglar, Trucido,Windfola~[url]www.trucidolotro.com[/url][/color][/size]~
"[i]High DPS is not a mainstay of the Burglar. His job has always been much more nuanced then that [/i] ~Zombie_Columbus"
By michelew
me and hubby
Yeah I think I got it, thanks!!
Last edited by Ariella; Dec 20 2007 at 01:47 AM.
Ariella Rank 10 , Lvl 60 Burglar, SM tinker, Windfola, UAO
Caina Rank 4, Lvl 59 Lore Master, UAO; Taeri Rank 2, Lvl 52 Champ UAO, Windfola
R4 warg, MrMuggles, R2 Spider, ItsyBitsy, Windfola
R5 warg, MrMuggles,R5 Wreaver Brandywine, DREAD
first you need a url for your pic, www.photobucket.com is a popular image hosting site.
download your pics there, copy the url that gets assigned to them and then use this: [img] insert url here [/img] ,minus the spaces, in your post here![]()
Not particularly good, but oh well.
Before haircut and after!
Last edited by Ghostwise; Dec 19 2007 at 07:25 PM.
Race of Man-Minstrel
Much better without the hair-cut man.
Ariella Rank 10 , Lvl 60 Burglar, SM tinker, Windfola, UAO
Caina Rank 4, Lvl 59 Lore Master, UAO; Taeri Rank 2, Lvl 52 Champ UAO, Windfola
R4 warg, MrMuggles, R2 Spider, ItsyBitsy, Windfola
R5 warg, MrMuggles,R5 Wreaver Brandywine, DREAD
Here's my wonderful girlfriend and I at her 21st birthday, which almost felt like my birthday cause she kept passing all her free drinks to me hehe.
By genaro_tena at 2007-12-19
"Tough Like Woodpecker Lips"
o well here go's![]()
Me at one of my mountain bike races...
and at another race, I like to mountain bike.
One more of my toon.
Last edited by Smiley0429; Dec 20 2007 at 03:40 AM.
Man-at-Arms Avernil - Level 50 Guardian ~The Dark Hunters~
Scout Morogrith - BA / Scout Piglett - Warg / Skirmisher HandofDeath - Reaver ~The Dark Horde~
Thorin's Gate - Kengsal - 2 Stonemirk Street {Windfola}
Kind of hard to hate you freeps, now that I see your face. Oh well.....
You all look awesome!I'd post a pic of me, but don't want to ruin a good thing
The wife (Daphriel) and I (Beckitt).
Here's an awesome one of my son just because!!
He'll play one day too hehe. Already tries.
Race of Man-Minstrel
he looks like hes been playin for 12 hours straight and decided to pass out on his kb... i know a few people that do that lol
"Tough Like Woodpecker Lips"
before my game last year
Me after
Widowmakerr R5 Weaver
Whiteface R4 warg
killeez R4 Reaver
Last edited by Aaraz; Dec 20 2007 at 12:07 PM.
good grief dude, you look like you could bench press Tol Ascernon.
Haha it's the roids! They make me snap sometimes!
Before the hair cut
After hair cut
She couldnt keep her hands off me
Kaitlyn 3days old
[LEFT]Victorious Pitbull - <Legions> Tribe Leader[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Lema Doss- lvl 50 lm, Nariko Doss- lvl 50 Cpt <The Dark Hunters>[/LEFT]