Two thumbs up! It's a classic!
Two thumbs up! It's a classic!
[B][COLOR=DarkOrchid]“Behold the Chinchillas! They ride to war!”[/COLOR][/B]
So I also heared sum tings about book 12 ting making teh Barz en Zurm fights moar differs. If dey fixzors stuffs dat would be nice. 4 example much times Barz sez 4 his friends to come, or dat he will takes mah powerz an he iz actuawly doing teh naw yer bones ting. Dis cunfuses mah... i fink it has sumting to do with his skills being too close togethors an teh text has minimum timzors to stay up or sumting but I dunno perhaps dey fixzors dis... but four all dose freeps who dunno about Barz:
LOL, this was a great afternoon read at work. Great Job!
Awesome jobs guys!
Elendilmir got hit with the cats a few days ago...
My name is Hakai and I approved this message.
Last edited by Hakai; Feb 15 2008 at 03:40 PM.
Let me be a salt in that soup
We've had a LOLcat thread going on Elendilmir for a few days.
For more funnies, check it out!
Here's a couple of mine:
~Figgy~ 87~
Hobbit Minstrel
Keep this thread going, it's great!![]()
So nao teh forums haz most talk about teh book 12. Befour teh book everbudy waz bored, dey sed tings like this
Alwuz agen and agen, dey iz gunna go to sumplace else en play or dey is gunna do dis or dey is gunna do dat, but really all dey dis was maked teh meowing rully loud on teh forums here. Dose threads was much dramaz en so I sez
Noa all teh stuff is about whut Book 12 is and isn't en iz much of teh same tings sed over en overs. I thawt dat everybudy on teh forums be so happy when da new book came. Nao all teh tings i heared have been mostly funny, like book 12 sunk mah battleship. Dis I thawt was funny cuz dat is not en teh lore fur sure. TSK maked a rul funny song about teh dyewash not being bleach.
En dis wuz confusen fur meh until I agen researches what da Foop sez en he xplane dat dye wash maked all tings go to base color, not teh last color u seez it wuz. Base color could be the original color frum when u first gotz it, but if u gotz sumtings that alredy came wif sum random dye on it, den it will be whatever color dey base wuz when dose dezinors maked it. So its like a sirprize maybee? Dis sounded gud I thinks and TSK wuz sed dat a slider bar for RGB colors wood be bettah, but teh Foop maked a gud point. He sez dat Hot Pink color armours u can not haz, (See above was not in lore) I agrees wif this, maked sense to me. Den TSK sez you can limits it he only ruly wantz a little moar controls. *sigh* Yes Moar controls is gud, but also makes big headaches for the Foop. Dere iz no time to maked dis cuz do u not kno???? Teh players haz speaked en fishing must be hazed soon!
Nao sum funny tings came wif teh book 12. 1 ting tho dey made just four meh. I two haz mah own meowing en dese forums. I wuz posting about mah Rally trait had cuz it had teh same icon as teh Eldars Grace. I suggested that they make it differs or at least the background red. DEY DID DIS FOUR ME!
Dey also maked teh minstrels sheilds go to dere backs when dey are playun on dere instruments. I seed dat at furst mah minstrel did do dat, but a shield also stayed on her arm two! I heared about dis on these forums as well. Nao I fixed mah shield frum doing dat by takin it off an puttin it back on.
Anuther ting dey did (en I fink iz rul gud two) is make moar differs recipes much oftens. Dis is nice, I seed not any posts about dis tho. So I puts it here. Actuawly dere are much gud tings in Book 12 en maybee is not as noticable en dese forums so I talks about dem four u k?
Teh fellowship manoover helper. DIS IS SOOOO NEET. Make teh argumentses about dat go awayz nao. Also dese conjuncshuns happenz much more oftens, many more times en dat is bery cool.
Dey maked teh legendary pages much moar easiers to getz wif less camping, dey knew dat finding dem was bery irritating so dey fixed it.
Book 12 also maked sum differens mobs drop teh special shardz. Dis is gud fur everbudy cuz everybudy gets so angers about teh shardz. Dey stay dere fur teh hole day en I dun fink dat is gud ting.
So I just want say tnx 2 teh Book 12, thnx fur teh lauff en thnx fur teh happy tings. I seed were dere iz a sticky on Book 12 en peoples did cry tho, sumting about teh nerfs. I am starting to fink dis nerf is a bery skery ting. I hope sumbudy will tell me when I r near it so I can see fur myself. Maybee I can run frum it if iz rul skerry liek teh spiders. Noa dose are sum skerry tings and I cannot run frum dems cause dey gots webs. OH NOES, do nerf's have webs two?!!!?
My solution to the forum drama.
Last edited by Lithya; Feb 15 2008 at 08:09 PM.
[b][color=lightgreen][i]Lithya Cryvante~50~Minstrel~Rising Phoenix~Silverlode[/b]
I really, REALLY don't understand cat people (and all these garbled texts hurt my noggin') Just be glad I didn't post some pictures of my dogs here!
"That is not dead which can eternal lie. And with strange æons even death may die."
- By a guy from Providence
[COLOR="Lime"][SIZE="1"]Are Minstrels still supposed to heal?[/SIZE][/COLOR] :confused:
I will never sey no to moar wardrobe selecshuns, but I fink we should also have sum options for shoes. Do dese devs not kno teh rulez?!!!???
Purrhaps dey don't so here RULES: LET ME TELLZ U DEM.
She who dies wif teh most shoes WINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By melissaissim at 2008-02-14
Sorry but dese r teh rulez I didn't amked dem, but you haz to understand. U give us teh purty dresses u must also give teh fancy shoes. Cee what u started?
Last edited by Melissaissim; Feb 16 2008 at 06:55 AM.
^^ My personal thoughts on what caused the downtime:
Clicky diss plz
[b][color=lightgreen][i]Lithya Cryvante~50~Minstrel~Rising Phoenix~Silverlode[/b]