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  1. #301
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    Mar 2007

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    2. Under advanced Video Setting, you can turn off helm, cape, shoe and other parts of your armor! ~From Dromiz Note: All players will see the changes, so hobbits; show those feet!
    This is outdated. Since book 12 this can be done from the equipment screen...
    [b]~ Darkbeard Blackhair ~[/b] [color=red]Lvl 37[/color] [color=blue]Dwarf Guardian[/color]. [B]Retired[/B] [color=purple]Nimrodel[/color].
    [b]~ Trombadinha ~[/b] [color=red]Lvl 42[/color] [color=blue]Hobbit Burglar[/color], [color=purple]Meneldor[/color].
    [COLOR="Orange"]"We won't nerf classes because of PvMP".[/COLOR] Yeah, right....

  2. #302
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    May 2007

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    Now that I know how to add extra toolbars, I officially wish I knew how to make that little light come on around you...

  3. #303
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    Quote Originally Posted by LOTRFan101 View Post
    Now that I know how to add extra toolbars, I officially wish I knew how to make that little light come on around you...
    you mean Alt F10
    [CENTER][COLOR=white]~ [/COLOR][COLOR=gray][COLOR=deepskyblue]OFFICER[/COLOR] [/COLOR][COLOR=white]- [/COLOR][URL="http://titanskinship.com/home/"][COLOR=white]TITANS[/COLOR][/URL][COLOR=white] - [/COLOR][COLOR=gray][COLOR=yellowgreen]LANDROVAL[/COLOR] [/COLOR][COLOR=white]~[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=deepskyblue][COLOR=deepskyblue][COLOR=deepskyblue]Toulouse McManlySocks [/COLOR] [/COLOR][COLOR=white]-[/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=yellowgreen]Captain [/COLOR][/CENTER]
    [CENTER][COLOR=deepskyblue][COLOR=deepskyblue]Schmippy McSillySausage[/COLOR] [/COLOR][COLOR=white]-[/COLOR][COLOR=gray] [COLOR=yellowgreen]Lore Master[/COLOR] [COLOR=white]//[/COLOR] [COLOR=deepskyblue]Phlex McAngryPants[/COLOR] [COLOR=white]-[/COLOR] [/COLOR][COLOR=yellowgreen]Minstrel [COLOR=white][/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#00bfff]Lickin McNibbles [/COLOR][COLOR=white]- [/COLOR][COLOR=yellowgreen]Hunter[/COLOR][COLOR=yellowgreen] [COLOR=White]//[/COLOR] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Marmighty McYeastySpread[/COLOR] [COLOR=White]-[/COLOR] Rune-Keeper

    [CENTER][COLOR=yellowgreen]SNOWBOURN[/COLOR] - [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Phlex[/COLOR] [COLOR=White]-[/COLOR][COLOR=yellowgreen] Hunter[/COLOR][/CENTER]

  4. #304
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    May 2007

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    Quote Originally Posted by EMPIRENZ View Post
    you mean Alt F10
    Official thanks!

  5. #305
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    Jun 2007

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    My fiancee had to tell me about the filter at vendors. It's wonderful. Being able to ignore all those recipes when you're just trying to buy crafting ingredients is lovely.

  6. #306
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    Nov 2007

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    I'm not sure if this has been mentioned but I have experienced and noticed that others have as well the re-positioning of custom UI elements when switching between Full Screen and Windowed Mode. I tend to have to switch to Windowed Mode in order to enable Teamspeak, as I often forget to turn it on, but my custom bottom bar always changes it's position. This of course forces me to re-boot the client in order to get it back where it belongs.

    Workaround: Instead of switching to Windowed Mode you can Minimize the Full Screen itself via the /bug command. This will not change the game to Windowed Mode so the custom UI elements will retain their correct positions when maximizing the game after doing whatever you need to do.

    1. /bug

    2. Down at the bottom of the bug window is an option to attach a file. Select Browse.

    3. Once the game is minimized, click on Cancel for the pop-up window that appears for browsing your files. Do what needs to be done.

    4. Click on the LOTRO bar within the Task Bar in order to get back into the game in Full Screen Mode.

    Hope this helps others as it's help me.

  7. #307
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    Sep 2007

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    Quote Originally Posted by Voxin View Post
    Additionally, since this game does not have an "implied target" window (a separate targeting window that shows who your target is looking at), there is no way to tell where your attack is going to land.
    Perhaps someone already mentioned this, but the game now does have a "your target's target" window that can be enabled in UI.
    [SIZE=1][COLOR=lime][SIZE=1][COLOR=lime]Note to players who want to be considered literate: [/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=cyan][I]You're [/I]= You are. [/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=cyan][I]Your [/I]= Belonging to you. [I]It's[/I] = It is. [I]Its[/I] = belonging to it. [/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=cyan][I]They're[/I] = They are. [I]Their[/I] = Belonging to them. [I]There[/I] = At that place.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE]
    [SIZE=1][COLOR=lime][SIZE=1][COLOR=yellow][I]Items[/I] = More than one item. [I]Item's[/I] = Belonging to the item. (True for almost all nouns.)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE]

  8. #308
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    Sep 2007

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    Quote Originally Posted by Hellgato View Post
    Oh, and for some reason certain inventory slots wont work sometimes to select the item.
    I think the reason may be that another window (even one that has nothing in it at the moment so you can't see it) is covering part of your inventory window. I was able to fix that by hitting Ctrl-\ and moving windows around so that isn't happening.
    [SIZE=1][COLOR=lime][SIZE=1][COLOR=lime]Note to players who want to be considered literate: [/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=cyan][I]You're [/I]= You are. [/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=cyan][I]Your [/I]= Belonging to you. [I]It's[/I] = It is. [I]Its[/I] = belonging to it. [/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=cyan][I]They're[/I] = They are. [I]Their[/I] = Belonging to them. [I]There[/I] = At that place.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE]
    [SIZE=1][COLOR=lime][SIZE=1][COLOR=yellow][I]Items[/I] = More than one item. [I]Item's[/I] = Belonging to the item. (True for almost all nouns.)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE]

  9. #309
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    Dec 2007

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    Quote Originally Posted by Fringe View Post
    Workaround: Instead of switching to Windowed Mode you can Minimize the Full Screen itself via the /bug command. This will not change the game to Windowed Mode so the custom UI elements will retain their correct positions when maximizing the game after doing whatever you need to do.

    1. /bug

    2. Down at the bottom of the bug window is an option to attach a file. Select Browse.

    3. Once the game is minimized, click on Cancel for the pop-up window that appears for browsing your files. Do what needs to be done.

    4. Click on the LOTRO bar within the Task Bar in order to get back into the game in Full Screen Mode.

    Hope this helps others as it's help me.
    alt-tab accomplishes the same thing for me, at least on one of my computers. It's wierd because it works on the computer with Vista, but not on the one with XP.
    Firefoot: Elendale (hunter) Galorlas (champ) Grimlaff (warden) Corny (warg)

  10. #310
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    Mar 2007

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    ctrl-esc or alt-esc should work, too (the former bringing up the start menu, the latter being the standard hotkey for minimizing a full-screen program in Windows). There's a side effect, though - the game captures the ESC key, which will clear your open windows. If that doesn't matter, though, it does work on my XP system.
    The smallest mimes of the gods of snow do not wish at all in their life that the great duty of the defences of the wine be diminished.

  11. #311
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    Nov 2007

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    I tried the following on 2 XP Pro systems and none of them worked. Either there might be some sort of feature disabled or they might only work on Vista:


    So far the only workaround I have come across that works for me is the one described above. If anyone has any other suggestions I'd love to hear them as I'm always interested in learning new ways to make my life easier.

  12. #312
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    Dec 2007

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    Perhaps ctrlaltdel? I know it works on Vista at least because it doesn't directly start the Task Manager. It brings up a screen and you just click Cancel and go to the desktop.

  13. #313
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    Jan 2007

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    For some inexplicable reason, Alt-Tab does not work (at least in XP) unless you have another application running on the task bar. I've taken to leaving my browser open whenever I play.

    If your system doesn't have enough memory to do that without slowing LotRO down, try leaving something like the calculator or notepad open.
    Talynna of Dale on Landroval
    ><> Xaris kai Aletheia (Grace and Truth) <><
    Disclaimer: No trees were harmed in the sending of this message;
    however, a significant number of electrons were slightly inconvenienced.

  14. #314
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    Sep 2007

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    Quote Originally Posted by Fringe View Post
    I tried the following on 2 XP Pro systems and none of them worked. Either there might be some sort of feature disabled or they might only work on Vista:


    So far the only workaround I have come across that works for me is the one described above. If anyone has any other suggestions I'd love to hear them as I'm always interested in learning new ways to make my life easier.

    Alt+Enter will force LoTRO into windowed mode without having to invoke the /bug routine. For some reason, the Alt-Tab doesn't work within LoTRO, on a Vista machine at least, unless there's another app in the toolbar that's already opened. I think someone above already noted this, and suggested keeping a browser or even a calc or something opened. This may be a good plan and may make things a bit easier if you need to flip out of the game client from time to time.
    Weeeeeeee're baaaaaaack! :)

  15. #315
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    Nov 2007

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    While I already knew that Alt+Enter goes into Windowed mode that wasn't what I wanted to do as that moves my custom UI bar to a different position than desired. The key was to minimize the game without going into Windowed mode so as to preserve my custom UI positioning.

    Leaving another window open does in fact work but the reason that I generally need to leave the game is to turn on Teamspeak as I often forget to turn it on prior to starting the game. If I can't remember that then chances are I won't remember to start something like the calculator instead. However, starting up the browser might just be a habit that I'll have to add to the list of trying to remember to start up TS in the first place as I often find myself wanted to surf for information while gaming. Having the browser already open would save a step and allow for the Alt+Tab method to work as well.

    Lastly, I can't believe that I never thought about Ctrl+Alt+Delete. I used that tonight and it worked like a charm. There was no system performance degradation afterwards neither so that will be my preferred method of choice as opposed to the /bug method I described above. In other words, thanks for the tip and please ignore my workaround that I posted earlier.

  16. #316
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    Things I wish I knew Earlier...........

    Tomato ketchup and ice cream is a no no
    The Lotro dev team were going to sell out and raise the level cap destroying everything anyone has done beforehand.

  17. #317
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    Jan 2007

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    Quote Originally Posted by jj67 View Post
    The Lotro dev team were going to sell out and raise the level cap destroying everything anyone has done beforehand.

    This was never a definate that the cap would not be raised, and was quite the opposite. How does it destroy your prior work? (please PM an answer not to derail the thread).

    Something I found out today: You do not need to have costume items in inventory to actually have them as outfit pieces. Just put on, then remove to bank/whatever and poof.

    Heck, you do not even need to have a copy. You can trade with someone, wear their costume pieces, and give them back and you'll still keep the appearance (hope this is NOT a bug that they will fix).

  18. #318
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    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    Quote Originally Posted by jj67 View Post
    Things I wish I knew Earlier...........

    The Lotro dev team were going to sell out and raise the level cap destroying everything anyone has done beforehand.
    That this may be the only game ever where some people think that adding onto and expanding the world and game could ruin the game...
    Firefoot: Elendale (hunter) Galorlas (champ) Grimlaff (warden) Corny (warg)

  19. #319
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    Jan 2007

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    Quote Originally Posted by Joviex View Post
    Something I found out today: You do not need to have costume items in inventory to actually have them as outfit pieces. Just put on, then remove to bank/whatever and poof.

    Heck, you do not even need to have a copy. You can trade with someone, wear their costume pieces, and give them back and you'll still keep the appearance (hope this is NOT a bug that they will fix).
    Nope, not a bug. It's actually working as intended. Three of my girls are all wearing the same Greenfields Hat (the other two are <20).
    Talynna of Dale on Landroval
    ><> Xaris kai Aletheia (Grace and Truth) <><
    Disclaimer: No trees were harmed in the sending of this message;
    however, a significant number of electrons were slightly inconvenienced.

  20. #320
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    May 2007

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    Quote Originally Posted by ArmyAunt View Post
    For some inexplicable reason, Alt-Tab does not work (at least in XP) unless you have another application running on the task bar. I've taken to leaving my browser open whenever I play.

    If your system doesn't have enough memory to do that without slowing LotRO down, try leaving something like the calculator or notepad open.
    Another way is to do Ctrl-Alt-Del and open the performance tool (that works from Lotro too even if nothing else is running at that time).
    And then the performance tool is open, so Alt-Tab works also.
    Ki Deus ad doné escïence / E de parler bon' eloquence / Ne s'en deit taisir ne celer, / Ainz se deit volunters mustrer.

  21. #321
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    Apr 2007

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    There are previous posts about creating an alias sending you a tell with the ;loc command so that you can determine your map coordinates without advertising them in /ooc or some other chat channel. The sticking point has always been that, if you tried to create a shortcut to put it on a hotslot, it would always expand the alias and, therefore, the ;loc command, at the time you created the shortcut. This meant that the shortcut would only display your location where you were when you created the shorcut rather than your current location.

    In another thread, tr0tsky0 suggested creating the alias, but when you create the shortcut, go inside a building or somewhere else the ;loc command does not work. If you do this, the effect is that the ;loc command will not expand, so the shortcut command just inserts ;loc instead of expanding it. Thus, ;loc will expand when you use the shortcut, and it will give you your current coordinates rather than where you were when you created the shortcut. However, there is a simpler method.

    Simply create the shortcut before you create the alias. That is, if you do the following:

    /shortcut actionbarslot# ;l
    /alias ;l /t yourname You are at ;loc.

    Since the /shortcut cannot expand ;l since it does not exist yet, it will create the shortcut with just the text ;l, which will expand correctly once you create the alias and execute the shortcut. This will have the same effect as the way tr0tsky0 suggested without having to go inside a building to do it.

    Also, if you want to create the shortcut without creating an alias, you can go ahead and do what tr0tsky0 mentioned (i.e., go inside a building where ;loc does not work), but just create the shortcut with the text you would use in the alias command as in:

    /shortcut actionbarslot# You are at ;loc.

    This will create the command in the designated hot slot without having to create the alias. You do, however, have to be inside or the ;loc command will expand.
    Last edited by Voxin; Apr 03 2008 at 02:21 PM.
    [CENTER][SIZE=1][B][FONT=Courier New][COLOR=#ff0000]Voxin[COLOR=black]*****[/COLOR][COLOR=white]Level 60[/COLOR][COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]Man Champion[COLOR=black]*****[/COLOR][COLOR=yellow]|[/COLOR][COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][/COLOR]Elrath[/COLOR][COLOR=black]**[/COLOR][COLOR=black]**[/COLOR]Level 60[COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]Elf Lore-master[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
    [CENTER][B][FONT=Courier New][SIZE=1][COLOR=red]Sotuadi[/COLOR][COLOR=black]***[/COLOR]Level 60[COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]Hobbit Burglar[COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][COLOR=yellow]|[/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B][COLOR=red][B][FONT=Courier New][SIZE=1]Braevan[COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][COLOR=white]Level 55[/COLOR][COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]Hobbit Minstrel[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER]

  22. #322
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Thumbs up Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    thanks for the tips... i'll be starting to play tomorrow and this tips helps me a lot not to be scammed and accelerate faster...

  23. #323
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    Nice tips some was common knowledge but certainly well organized and very informing.

    I have a tip: Just because it's a fellowship quest doesn't mean you need a healer or a full group. I have soled and 2 manned about 90% of the game using strategy and good crowd control. I can't count the amount of times a group refused to even attempt a quest because there was no healer present. True skills come from strategy. Learn to be self sufficient and the more challenging quests can actually be more rewarding knowing it was a challenge. This is turning out to be far to windy to be added hehe.

    Exampe: I wanted to do the thiefs bane quest in evendim and a hunter said he'd go if we got more people I told him there was no need I could almost solo it just needed a tad more DPS. He said he would only do it if we got a healer. So I said screw it I'll just repeat the quest until I get my tomb robbers deed or complete it. It took 4 tries and I came close to dying but I ended up soloing the quest. I had to act fast and continue pulling aggro off the rangers in the camps but I did it and felt I had truly accomplished something. A great feeling to be had
    ---There's 6 forces of nature you must contend with today Poncho! Fire, Lightning, Wind, Rain, Snow and the mighty Dwarf! You really want to stick you hobbit legs where they don't belong? You had better hope the lighting gets you first.~Kikode---
    **(Elf Minstrel) Level 9** **(Dwarf Champion) Level 43**

  24. #324
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    Sep 2007

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    Quote Originally Posted by sirwillow View Post
    That this may be the only game ever where some people think that adding onto and expanding the world and game could ruin the game...
    Nah, people pitched the same fit when WoW raised its level cap, and are doing so again with the upcoming raise in the next expansion. It's just bleedover from those kiddiez talking. I don't get this "destroying everything before" argument. It's stupid, plain and simple. Adding more onto the end doesn't undo what's already there...
    [url=http://rephial.org/]Angband[/url], a freeware text-graphics game. Descended from Rogue and cousin to Nethack.

  25. #325
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    My captain is 30 and I just now found out I could buff others using Tactics. I thought they were only for me!
    [FONT=book antiqua][COLOR=#808080][SIZE=2]
    . . . plus too many alts![/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]


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