to each their own, oh yes please.
but to call other's "disgusting"? why cant u simply post in a more "less-negative manner" regarding the location? by all means, if u dont like the location, complain about it. bring ur theories and evidences to support ur complain. please do. i, personally, have no issue about that, and yes, i even agree to some point that the location may not be the most suitable for this thread.
but, personally, IMHO, its ur "somewhat rude" way of "sugar-coating" ur complaints that irks me..... why did u find it necessary to call it 'disgusting', or 'speaktard', or 'foolish', or anything to the likes of *looking down* others' opinnion? u couldve just say "i dont agree".
thats the issue we have with people these days

inability to speak their mind without hurting others.
my apologies too for calling u a smartass. i just needed some sugar. now i had lunch. me nao full. :3