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  1. #51
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Book 13 Dev Diary Feedback: Better Together

    Really great changes! Thanks a lot.

  2. #52

    Re: Book 13 Dev Diary Feedback: Better Together

    Quote Originally Posted by Vivasvan View Post

    Please tell me you guys have introduced a NEW RANK .. a new 1st Officer rank or Manager rank... please tell me this.. there was talk of this in your pre book13 Questions and Answers..

    I so need this for my guilds to work on 5 servers


    Wrymstrum R5 Guardian
    Corrupt R5 Orc Reaver

  3. #53
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Book 13 Dev Diary Feedback: Better Together

    wat u mean wat?

  4. #54
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Book 13 Dev Diary Feedback: Better Together

    The LFF changes sound very nice, but I remain skeptical. We already had an upgrade to the fellowing panel (if I remember correctly..), and still no one used it. I see that these changes should make things easier, but short of accepting a quest and being auto-assigned a group (and ported to the start/entrance naturally), I'm still afraid it won't make a difference.

    I've always updated my LFF note when looking for fellowships and have never once received a response. I think it's just that the majority of players stick with their friends or kinships and so are never looking for or advertise fellowships. But hey that's what friends/kins are for!

    Either way, I'll continue to update my note or check my quest or whatever I have to do now and hope it catches on.

  5. #55
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Book 13 Dev Diary Feedback: Better Together

    So with all this solo content, why should we do it with now? It seems a waste to do it and get no experience, or any useful gear until it's actually useful. Quest rewards like gear won't matter because we all know that player crafted items, as expensive as some are, are in some cases better than any quest reward. I understand we can do these quests with out alts. I am hoping that we have two more character slots when Mines of Moria goes live. Whatever the case exploring a new area will be fun.

  6. #56
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    Jan 2007

    Re: Book 13 Dev Diary Feedback: Better Together

    Quote Originally Posted by Thornton View Post
    I am hoping that we have two more character slots when Mines of Moria goes live.
    I assume so with two new classes coming. I'd hate to have to choose a different server just to try out both new classes if I've already settled on my 5 existing classes.
    Arda Shrugged : Elendilmir (RIP) -> Arkenstone -> Anor (RIP) -> Landroval -> Treebeard

  7. #57
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    Mar 2007

    Re: Book 13 Dev Diary Feedback: Better Together

    Quote Originally Posted by Bragollach View Post
    The LFF changes sound very nice, but I remain skeptical. We already had an upgrade to the fellowing panel (if I remember correctly..), and still no one used it. I see that these changes should make things easier, but short of accepting a quest and being auto-assigned a group (and ported to the start/entrance naturally), I'm still afraid it won't make a difference.

    I've always updated my LFF note when looking for fellowships and have never once received a response. I think it's just that the majority of players stick with their friends or kinships and so are never looking for or advertise fellowships. But hey that's what friends/kins are for!

    Either way, I'll continue to update my note or check my quest or whatever I have to do now and hope it catches on.
    We never had an upgrade to the fellowing panel. Its really hard to figure out how it works (I finally got it after asking in the forum). I can assure you that because of the quest journal upgrade, people will begin to use it when they redesign it. The problem is that, for now, we will only be able to LFF for one quest. When we'll be able to flag many quests, the probability of a bunch of people having the same quests flagged will go way up.

  8. #58

    Re: Book 13 Dev Diary Feedback: Better Together

    It's all already been said but, This is Great News!!! I don't know how many times we have needed 1 more for CD or URU with no way to get them to where we are standing. These Mustering Horns are an answer to prayers!!! Thank you Turbine!!!
    Tennetty, Woman Hunter. Ahira Bandylegs, Dwarf Guardian. Doria Perlstien, Woman Minstrel.
    Aristobulous, Elf Lore Master. Walter Slovatski, Man Burgler.
    Server: Gladden Kinship Founder: Champions of the Flame (Guardians of the Flame was already taken) :)

  9. #59

    Re: Book 13 Dev Diary Feedback: Better Together

    Quote Originally Posted by DangerDan View Post
    I'll try and address a few comments such as those from Druc, Airworthy, Kentelyoo, a99Barnsey, and others.

    We fully intend to add more to this feature in the future, including (but not limited to):
    * Allowing you to flag more than one quest
    * Allowing you to indicate things other than quests, e.g. Instances
    * Upgrading the "Fellowing" tab of the Social Panel significantly

    We had all these goodies for the quest log, fellowship invites, and with mustering horns that we wanted to get that out there and see the reactions. More is coming!
    Yup. I'm happy now. This is all I wanted.

    So how did I get to be an "and others"? I was the first in the thread to ask for item #1! Stop ducking me man!

    Forjo Atinxan - Elven Guardian, Forjjo Atinxan - Hobbit Minstrel, Forjorin Atinxan - Dwarven Champion, Forjoros Atinxan - Human Captain
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  10. #60
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Book 13 Dev Diary Feedback: Better Together

    Quote Originally Posted by Kentelyoo View Post
    We never had an upgrade to the fellowing panel. Its really hard to figure out how it works (I finally got it after asking in the forum). I can assure you that because of the quest journal upgrade, people will begin to use it when they redesign it. The problem is that, for now, we will only be able to LFF for one quest. When we'll be able to flag many quests, the probability of a bunch of people having the same quests flagged will go way up.
    Hmmm, might have been in beta.

    So anyway in the meantime I suppose I could just click through each of my quests in order and see which one pops up with the biggest list...

    It seems to me that once at least 2 people are LFF for a quest they'll immediately group up... will their fellowship show up in my list when I checkmark a quest? It must right?

  11. #61

    Re: Book 13 Dev Diary Feedback: Better Together

    Quote Originally Posted by Vivasvan View Post
    wat u mean wat?
    your kin is on 5 servers?
    Wrymstrum R5 Guardian
    Corrupt R5 Orc Reaver

  12. #62
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Book 13 Dev Diary Feedback: Better Together

    Quote Originally Posted by Bragollach View Post
    Hmmm, might have been in beta.
    It was in beta, and a very minor upgrade at that.....mainly on the filters.
    Field Operations Officer

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  13. #63
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Book 13 Dev Diary Feedback: Better Together

    Great changes! Love it all!
    Moria Preview Thread [url]http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=158636[/url]

  14. #64

    Re: Book 13 Dev Diary Feedback: Better Together

    I know this is a lot to ask for, but I would like you to consider adding some kind of built in event calendar for kinships. This is probably something that would be more likely to be included as part of the expansion (new UI is being built as I understand it).
    Wrymstrum R5 Guardian
    Corrupt R5 Orc Reaver

  15. #65
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    Jul 2006

    Re: Book 13 Dev Diary Feedback: Better Together

    Quote Originally Posted by Forjo View Post
    So how did I get to be an "and others"? I was the first in the thread to ask for item #1! Stop ducking me man!
    I believe I have now resolved your complaint.

  16. #66
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    Jul 2006

    Re: Book 13 Dev Diary Feedback: Better Together

    Quote Originally Posted by a99barnsey View Post
    I know this is a lot to ask for, but I would like you to consider adding some kind of built in event calendar for kinships. This is probably something that would be more likely to be included as part of the expansion (new UI is being built as I understand it).
    While Kinship features aren't really the focus of this update, the ideas I've seen on this thread are pretty interesting. Thanks for the suggestions!

  17. #67
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Book 13 Dev Diary Feedback: Better Together

    Once again, Turbine Devs: You folks rock! This looks great!

  18. #68
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: Book 13 Dev Diary Feedback: Better Together

    RE: Quest/group interface overhaul improvements.


    Now, may I be so bold as to ask ever so humbly to fold in the ability to also do everything here with *DEEDS* too.

    i.e. the ability to track those pesky kill deeds/discovery deeds with a total of units completed/required to finish out said deeds in the very same place as my quest tracker interface with just a click like quests, the ability to look at a glance in the fellowship interface which of my fellowship members also are working on the same deeds as me.
    0096 2251 2110 8105

  19. #69
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    Sep 2007

    Re: Book 13 Dev Diary Feedback: Better Together

    Quote Originally Posted by Amonceleb View Post
    One thing I'd eventually like to see is a more adaptable tracker. One that either scrolls or pages, and the ability to sort/prioritize which quests/deeds you want toward the top. Perhaps a toggle to swap between quests and deeds? All I know is 5 slots in the tracker right now is not enough. Something for the future, hmm?
    I've always thought having the tracker be location sensitive would be nice, too. I don't need to see Barrows quests while I'm running around the Old Forest. Having to stop and futz around in the quest log is a pain.

    "OK, I'm in the Old Forest, time to turn off all the Bree quests and turn on all the forest quests. Oops, gotta turn off one before I can add one. Only 4? Ok, I can add a deed. What tab was that deed on? Why can't I find it? How did "Completed" get checked......"

    All I can say is Wow.
    I thought some of that functionality sounded familiar, too.
    Carefull! I have a rock and I'm not afraid to use it!

  20. #70
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Book 13 Dev Diary Feedback: Better Together

    That's where Book 13's "Find A Fellowship" button comes in. It's a new button on the Quest Log that works a little like the "Add to Tracker" button. You can mark one quest for Find A Fellowship.

    That automatically opens the Fellowing tab of the Social Panel and fills out all the relevant information. You'll see a list of players who also want to work on that quest (and those players can now find you, too).
    Sounds interesting, but I think it's usefulness may be limited if you can only choose one quest for "Find a Fellowship".

    Example: Player One may have quests A,B,C,D,E. Player Two may have C,D,E,F. If Player One advertises quest A and Player Two advertise quest F, they'll never get a match even though they both need C,D,E. A lot of potential grps will be missed.

    Allowing people to add multiple quests for "Find A Fellowship" will be much more useful.

  21. #71
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: Book 13 Dev Diary Feedback: Better Together

    I am not sure if this has been mentioned yet as I have not read through all the replies but why the maximum limit of only 40 quests in the log? It would be much appreciated if more would be allowed to store in the log
    You see what you did?! You sir, have ruined everything...

  22. #72
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    Re: Book 13 Dev Diary Feedback: Better Together

    Quote Originally Posted by syrvile View Post
    yep, i routinely wish for a captain reverse summon.
    It exists, but not for Captians but for Guardians. Its the Acorn. Send one to your bud and he or she can call you to their side. Works great.

  23. #73
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Book 13 Dev Diary Feedback: Better Together

    *sends DangerDan loads of love*

    Thanks for all the info, Mr. Danger! This looks to be a great update. Ah, my alts shall be pleased. And my main, to be frank. Woot wootiness!

    RIP ELENDILMIR • Jingle Jangle
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  24. #74
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Book 13 Dev Diary Feedback: Better Together

    Just gotta say... outstanding job on the new social/quest log updates going into Book 13! Thank you devs!

  25. #75
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Book 13 Dev Diary Feedback: Better Together

    One (small) thing that I'd like to see is some indication of whether a quest requires a group when you accept the quest and/or in the quest tracker. Sometimes I don't check the log before starting on a quest, only to get to the quest location and realize that there's no way I'm going to be able to solo it.
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