Bogo - [B][I]Retired[/I][/B]
first time trying to post an image... hope this works haha.
Yay it works! (at least for me...)
Last edited by Snow_blind; Apr 22 2008 at 03:39 PM.
Tinwe Morimaite - Elven Hunter - "And the Light of Aman shone in his face"
Tarlach of Dale - Human Captain - "Now for wrath!"
"We are the Content"
rofl this thread is the best.
*Sapience stuff deleted*
Last edited by Amonceleb; Apr 24 2008 at 10:01 AM.
Weeeeeeee're baaaaaaack! :)
hahaha... can you tell I'm excited?
Soo glad I'm not in the situation in pic #3, but I know people who are.
almost there!
[COLOR="Red"][B][SIZE="4"]This Space For Rent[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
Skorp, HNT - Tailor | Skorpling, BRN - Wesponsmith
Ambein, Human LRM - Scholar | Skorpedo, WDN - Woodworker | Lengram, RNK - Jeweller
Eruchin - Formerly of Nimrodel Server | Current Arkenstoner
Devs, tyvm for Book 13
[color=#3399ff][i][size=2]"Anyways, you need people of intelligence on this sort of... mission... quest... thing."[/i] - Pippin[/size][/color] :)
some great new pics thanks all![]()
Kin Website:[url][/url]
HAHAHA Lol @ walruses![]()
I love this thread so much.![]()
[B][COLOR=DarkOrchid]“Behold the Chinchillas! They ride to war!”[/COLOR][/B]
Skorp, HNT - Tailor | Skorpling, BRN - Wesponsmith
Ambein, Human LRM - Scholar | Skorpedo, WDN - Woodworker | Lengram, RNK - Jeweller
Eruchin - Formerly of Nimrodel Server | Current Arkenstoner
OMG - How can I tell you how much I LOVE you for this thread???
As a mother of 2 of the most PERFECT Maine Coons EVER to grace this planet and of course namesakes of my toons; this thread is almost as compelling as the game itself.
I am currently working on P/Sing pix of my babies who are both ultimate PWN-FU gaming princessas so they can give some tips to all you hopeless humans that seriously need to 'Learn to Play'
P.S. YES, of course I KNOW this is almost non-sensical. All my spelling, grammer and syntax is wrong!
The girls will of COURSE do all the Paw-typing or else they will dictate proper usuage when I edit their photos for posting and it will be much more LotRO-Kitteh understandable then.
Lv69 R4 Champion, Supreme Master Armsman | Lv67 R0 Warden, Supreme Master Woodsman
Lv60 R4 Lore-master, Supreme Master Tinker | Lv42 Hunter, Supreme Master Explorer
Lv37 Minstrel, Supreme Master Yeoman
lol AWESOME y'all love it!
[I] [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=MediumTurquoise]Cyndwyn[No Quarter][/COLOR]
[/FONT][/I]"phone up the zerg raven"
[center][b][url=]Beornling Skinchanger[/url][/b] - Man - [b][color=brown]Bear Brethren and Descendent of Mighty Beorn![/color][/b] - Defender of Vales and Lover of Ales - [b][color=orange]Nimrodel[/color][/b]
[color=red][b]Beornbitezu[/b] - Warg -[/color] [b][color=brown]Sad that bears attack in the moors[/color][/b] - Old hotspot meteor warg - [b][color=orange]Elendilmir[/color][/b][/center]
[center][color=red][b]Drunkenaussie[/b] - Reaver -[/color] [b][color=brown]Forever to bear the white hand helm[/color][/b] - Drunkenaussie Beornandbred - [b][color=orange]Elendilmir[/color][/b][/center]
and here we see the model Turbine uses for mounted avatars...even back then Turbine knew the potential of feline superiorus in all things ~ anon tourguide Turbine studios circa 2020
*note to food or drink when reading this thread....that or look into sneeze sheild for monitors/keyboard....![]()
Last edited by Darej; Apr 28 2008 at 10:23 PM.